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(Groningen, 2013 – 2019)
Meaning bandname: It means nothing, we started out as a fictional japanese hardcore band and wanted a name that was in the style of that.
Bio: Stiff and Maynard wanted an outlet after playing slow music with Indifferent Sun so System Bastard was started as a rehearsal room project with Stiff playing bass, guitar and doing vocals and Maynard on drums and vocals. A demo was recorded in this line up and after some people at the Crowbar heard it, they asked us to play on Queensday 2013. This meant we had to find a bassplayer and so the first of our many bassplayers was found: Jim, who also played in Indifferent Sun. We actually ended up playing our first show but not at the Crowbar but a couple of days earlier at the first Bambara squat. After Jim remigrated to Scotland we had a further 3 bassplayers, (Richard, Eva and Reynaert). In 2014 to 2016 Eva as well Reynaert did concerts on bass. Plus later on Steve as second singer cos Maynard didnt want to sing and drum at the same time anymore. We recorded a few demos that were never released, a full length album called Novos Ordo Seclorum and recorded in the Soundlodge Studio in Germany that gets selfreleased on Bandcamp. As of spring 2019, the band is on indefinite hiatus although one more internet release is recorded on Christmas 2019 with Róisín on guestvocals.
Lyrics: At first the lyrics were part of the fake hardcore cliche that we wanted to be, so early lyrics are very much in the style of discharge: short and mostly about war. We used to have a background video at our early shows full of nuclear explosions and soundsamples from nuclear war movies and documentaries. Later the lyrics were taken a bit more serious and dealt with personal and political subjects, like paranoia, surveillance state, our mental health…
Description: Started out as cliche crust with a lot of short fast songs (20 song set in 25 minutes including breaks). Towards the end the songs got more metal, a bit slower and a lot longer, more in an Antisect, Axegrinder British anarcho crust style.
Maynard Schut † – drums
Reynaert Vosveld – bass (2014–2019)
Stiff Marron – guitar, vocals
Stephen Patterson – vocals (2013–2019)
James Brown aka Jim – bass 1 (2013-2013)
Richard Wierenga – bass 2 (2013-2013)
Eva van Dijk – bass 3 (2014-2016)
Other bands:
Maynard Schut – Buiten Adem, Mushroom Attack, E.N.E., Get Ugly, Catweazle, Fermented, Descent To Hell, Fleas And Lice, PCP, Kaïn, Bullshit Science, Dog Ugly, Indifferent Sun, Link, Malamondo, Scumnation, Parallax Smile, Sjackie Goes To Stitswerd
Reynaert Vosveld – Komplex, Youth Deprivation, Glitch, Chaosmelck, Stresssysteem, AARTxSTAARTJES
Stiff Marron – Scunnered, Ex-Cathedra, Red Dervla, Scumnation, Descent To Hell, Indifferent Sun, Fleas And Lice, Suffering Quota, Parallax Smile
Stephen Patterson – Indifferent Sun, Youth Deprivation, Parallax Smile
James Brown – Machine Gun Etiquette, Scumnation, Descent To Hell, Indifferent Sun, Ramrod, Decibel Freaks, Fleas And Lice
Richard Wierenga – PCP, Burn The Elite, Skint, Hoist The Colours, Indifferent Sun
Eva van Dijk – Noodweer, Human Corrosion, Link, Malamondo, Shoe Eating Rabbits, Mary And The Breakups, Youth Deprivation
2012 – demo (Internet, Youtube)
2013 – Viadukt demo (Unreleased)
2015 – Viadukt rehearsal demo (Internet, NL)
2015 – Viadukt demo (Unreleased)
2015 – Live At The Vera Club (Internet, NL)
2017 – Novos Ordo Seclorum (Internet, NL)
2020 – II (Internet, NL)
Recorded @ Het Viadukt, Groningen 12.2019 by Edwin

Concerts: (selected)
2013.04.30 Crowbar, Groningen (+ more)
2013.06.13 Simplon, Groningen (+ Malamondo, Indifferent Sun)
2013.07.13 De Pluu, Winsum (+ No-ID, Hoist The Colours, Mad Patrol)
2013.10.12 Pino, Groningen (+ Malamondo, Elusive Disorder)
2013.11.09 Innocent, Hengelo (+ Paralyzed Society, Nuclear Cult, Cause Of Divorce, Blood I Bleed)
2013.11.30 De Pluu, Winsum (+ Komplex)
2013.12.21 Viadukt, Groningen (+ Rat Patrol, Two Two 79)
2014.01.24 Vrankrijk, Amsterdam (+ René Binamé, Teenage Tits)
2014.03.07 Crowbar, Groningen (+ Indifferent Sun)
2014.08.15 Pino, Groningen (+ more)
2014.10.13 Bambara, Groningen (+ Protestera)
2014.11.01 Sub071, Leiden (+ Distress, Prophecyofcrows, Terror Defence, Radio Bikini, Naniac Forces, Kugra, Gieter Beater, Nuclear Devestation, Inwar)
2014.11.22 Huize Spoorloos, Emmen (+ Antares, Columbo, AttackRobotAttack)
2014.11.23 Lola, Groningen (+ Antares, The Capaces)
2014.11.25 Vrankrijk, Amsterdam (+Lifewreck, Dirty Wombs)
2014.11.29 De Pluu, Winsum (+ Komplex, Dorst)
2014.12.13 O.R.K.Z., Groningen (+ Mindfok)
2015.03.14 Vera, Groningen (+ Komplex)
2015.04.18 Eat Shit Fest, Utrechtseweg 34, De Bilt (+ Tense Reaction, Dornata, Krush, Feral and more)
2015.05.07 Simplon, Groningen (+ Domdards)
2015.06.13 Huize Spoorloos, Emmen (+ more)
2015.07.04 The Morgue, Leeuwarden
2015.07.16 De Gym, Groningen (+ Crows, Fake O’s, AttackRobotAttack)
2015.09.25 Vera, Groningen (+ Okus, Rat’s Blood, Uhgah? Wugah!) (G.G.I. Festival)
2016.03.26 Innocent, Hengelo (+ Komplex)
2016.07.09 Huize Spoorloos, Emmen (+ Akta Skallen, Komplex)
2016.07.22 De Gym, Groningen (+ Malamondo, Komplex)
2016.09.17 Willemeen, Arnhem (+ Krüger, Teethgrinder, Suffer, Uneasy Peace, Divtech, Weak Ties, Malamondo, Decide Today)
2016.10.27 Pino, Groningen (+ This Ends Here, Regret)
2017.02.19 Bambara, Groningen (+ Subhumans)
2017.04.27 Crowbar, Groningen (+ Spooken, Pander, Suffering Quota)
2017.06.03 Pierre’s Wedding, Bremen GER (+ more)
2017.10.07 The Morgue, Leeuwarden (+ Cracked Up and more)
2017.10.14 ADM, Amsterdam (+ more)
2017.11.12 Bambara, Groningen (+ Coïtus, Dorst)
2018.01.27 Oslovest #3, Euvelgunnerweg, Groningen (+ Selka Sauna, Stark, Period, Fucking Pissed and more)
2018.05.10 Bambara, Groningen (+ Sensa Yuma)
2018.06.22 Bremen GER (+ Anti Social Rejects)
2018.06.29 Highway To Hell, Liège BEL (+ Persona Non Data, Matrak Attakk)
2018.06.30 Antwerpen BEL (+ Persona Non Data)
2018.07.01 Zaandam (+ Persona Non Data)
2018.09.18 Bambara, Groningen (+ Anti-System)
2018.09.19 Bikewars, Utrecht (+ Anti-System)
2018.12.07 Vrankrijk, Amsterdam (+ Persona Non Data, Dead Will Walk)
2019.02.22 Bambara, Groningen (+ Human Behavior, Project For Bastards)
2019.03.30 Bambara, Groningen (+ Toadeater, Weeping Willow)
2019.05.03 O.R.K.Z., Groningen (+ Verkrust, Pisscharge)