In 2008 I started to photograph with a Canon EOS 1d Mark III (with a 1.3 sensor).

The first years I shoot every bird in front of the lens and learn alot about the Dutch species. I use a Sigma 150-500mm lens but replace it very soon with the Canon EF 300mm f/4.0 IS USM with a 1.4x II extender so I have a 420mm f/5.6 lens which is way sharper/better than the first one.

Soon I start to get interested in other sorts of photography as well. Landscapes with a whole array of Lee filters (I love dramatic skies and sunsets/risings), long exposure photography, but also shooting bands and photographing on filmsets.

Because my interest is more focused on the behavior of animals and less on the technical side of photography (I miss alot because of the concern of lighting, aperture, shuttertime, ISO…), I get a telescope instead of a new camera in 2013 and start videoscoping with a Swarovski ATX 30-70×95 in combination with an iPhone 5s. Alot of my short clips can be found at

In june 2016 I get a Canon EOS 5d Mark III camera (with a fullframe sensor) and replace my 300mm lens with an EF 400mm f/5.6L USM in july 2017. Unfortunately I have to stop photographing in 2018.

Landschappen / Landscapes (2009 – 2017)
Onlanden / Peizermeergebied
‘t Roegwold
Groninger Waddengebied

Overige / Other

Finnish Lapland
Zweden / Sweden:

Hongarije / Hungary:
Spanje / Spain
Jimena de la Fronteria

Dieren / Animals
Vogels / Birds
Zwanen, Eenden en Ganzen / Wildfowl
Jachtvogels & Zandhoenders / Gamebirds & Sandgrouse
Duikers & Futen / Loons (Divers) & Grebes
Zeevogels & Alken / Seabirds & Auks
Aalscholvers & Pelikanen / Cormorants & Pelicans
Reigers, Ooievaars / Herons, Storks
Roofvogels / Birds Of Prey
Rallen & Kwartelkoning / Rails & Crakes
Kraanvogels & Trappen/ Cranes & Bustards
Steltlopers / Waders
Jagers / Skuas
Meeuwen & Sterns / Gulls & Terns
Duiven & Tortels / Pigeons & Doves
Koekoeken / Cuckoos
Uilen / Owls
Nachtzwaluwen, Gierzwaluwen & Zwaluwen / Nightjars, Swifts, Swallows & Martins
IJsvogels & Bijeneters / Kingfishers & Bee-Eaters
Spechten / Woodpeckers
Leeuweriken / Larks
Piepers & Kwikstaarten / Pipits & Wagtails
Winterkoning & Waterspreeuw / Wrens & Dippers
Pestvogels / Waxwings
Heggenmussen & Mussen / Accentors & Sparrows
Lijsters & Tapuiten / Thrushes & Chats
Zangers / Warblers
Vliegenvangers / Flycatchers
Mezen / Tits
Rotskruiper & Boomkruipers / Nuthatches & Creepers
Klauwieren / Shrikes
Kraaien / Crows
Spreeuwen & Wielewalen / Starlings & Orioles
Vinken / Finches
Gorzen / Buntings

Insecten / Insects
Libellen / Dragonflies
Glazenmakers / Hawkers
Keizerlibellen & Glassnijders / Emperors & Hairy Hawkers
Glanslibellen / Emeralds
Korenbouten / Chasers
Oeverlibellen / Skimmers
Witsnuitlibellen / Whitefaces
Heidelibellen / Darters
Juffers / Damselflies

Overige / Other

Zoogdieren / Mammals
Muizen & Knaagdieren / Mice & Rodents
Roofdieren / Predators
Zwijnen, Grazers & Herten / Boars, Herbivores and Deer

Reptielen & Amfibieën / Reptiles & Amfibians

Overige / Other
Chinese Festival Of Lights
Dierenpark Emmen
Onze Band Met Rijst
Swinder Videoclip
Zeehondenuitzet Dollard / Seals Release Dollard