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(1993 – 1999)
Meaning bandname: No Identity
History: Starts in 1992 as NO LIFE. As NO I.D. had their first gig in July 1994 in the Kraneweg squat. In 1995 they replace Janine with Iris and get a new bassplayer called Wienand (ex-TEUTONIC TOPS) in 1997. In this same year they release a tape with practiseroom and live-recordings. This tape was a benefit for the W.V.V. (Werkgroep Vluchtelingen Vrij/Workinggroup Freedom for Refugees), a group that protests against a refugeeprison in the northern part of the Netherlands and against the detention of refugees in general. In December 1997 both 7″ ers are recorded in the Bunt’s Studio in Utrecht by Menno Bakker. 1998 has a Spanish tour with Aside from Rennes and in 1999 the band splits up.
Lyrics: Most of the lyrics are written in Dutch and English and deal with topics like war, flexwork, addiction, conspiracy-theories, science, hate, burocracy, reality TV and the beauty myth.
Description: Someone once described the music as “metal-hardcore with Crass influences”.
Eva Oling – vocals
Iris Van Doormalen – vocals (1995-1999)
Rommert Pleijzier – guitar
Pelle Lodder – drums
Wienand – bass (1997-1999)
Janine – vocals (1993-1995)
Anti – bass (1993-1997)
Other bands:
Eva Oling – Power From Arse, Makiladoras, Minamata Disease, Link, Noodweer, Uneasy Peace, Persona Non Data, Stresssysteem
Rommert Pleijzier – Yphobia, PCP, The Last Mile
Pelle Lodder – De Stipjes, Fleas And Lice, PCP, No I.D.
Wienand – Teutonic Tops
Janine – Mushroom Attack
Anti – Blowtorch, De Stipjes, Office Killer
1996 – No I.D. TAPE (Selfreleased, NL)
Side A: Recorded Live @ Het Viadukt, Groningen 26.04.1996 by Michael Kopijn
Side B: Recorded Live @ De Box, Hoogeveen 03.11.1996
1997 – 10 song demo (Unreleased)
Recorded @ Bunt’s Studio, Utrecht 10-11.12.1997 by Menno Bakker
1998 – Pictures Of Pain 7″ EP with Aside (Koroshi Records, NL)
Recorded @ Bunt’s Studio, Utrecht 10-11.12.1997 by Menno Bakker
1999 – Preaching To The Converted 7” EP (Funai Records, Germany)
Recorded @ Bunt’s Studio, Utrecht 10-11.12.1997 by Menno Bakker
1996 – 3. Zoro Festival 26.9. – 28.9.1996 TAPE (Selfreleased, GER)
1997 – Emile Drogt Memorial LP (Selfreleased, NL)
2001 – Proud To Be Gay TAPE (UPS, NL)
Concerts: (selected)
1994.07.01 Kraneweg 1, Groningen (+ Burn, More Brains, Boys In Rain)
1994.09.02 Mariahoeve, Zwanenburg (+ More Brains, Social Cancer, Boys In The Rain)
1995.02.24 Simplon, Groningen (+ Catweazle)
1995.02.25 Villa Omval, Amsterdam (+ Catweazle, Insubordination)
1995.05.19 J.U.Z. St. Josef, Gronau GER (+ Catweazle, Pushrod)
1996.02.23 Wolweze, Leeuwarden (+ Das Nix, Green Plee)
1996.03.09 Het Viadukt, Groningen (+ Anti-Bitch, Harass, Das Nix, De Stipjes)
1996.03.10 Vera, Groningen (+ Teutonic Tops, The Sell Outs, De Stipjes)
1996.07.11 De Box, Hoogeveen (+ D.R.A., Yphobia, Antibitch, One Day Closer, Collywobles, Rat Patrol)
1996.09.25 Korax, Erfurt GER (+ Guts Pie Earshot)
1996.09.26 Zoro, Leipzig GER (+ Vide Psychic, Woyczech, Dropdead, La Fraction)
1996.09.29 Boumans, Potsdam GER (+ La Fraction)
1996.11.03 De Box, Hoogeveen (+ D.R.A., De Stipjes, Vendors Of Smut, Jabberwocky, Human Alert, N.R.A.)
1997.01.11 Glasfabriek, Groningen (+ Fleas And Lice, Distress, Boycot, Yphobia, Venders Of Smut, Føkdis) (Hospital Bill Benefit)
1997.02.22 Tinck, Hoogeveen (+ Boycot, Distress)
1997.06.28 La Zone, Liège BEL (+ Chaos Bastards, Distress, Boycot)
1997.11.15 Parkhof, Alkmaar (+ Yphobia, Seein’Red, Vitamin X, Soberespone)
1997.12.27 Poortgebouw, Rotterdam (+ Harrie, PCP)
1997.12.31 Opdrift, Groningen (+ PCP, Yphobia)
1998.07.25 Centre Cívic La Fonteta, Sant Feliu De Codines SPA (+ Dios Odioso, Protesis, Aside)
1998.07.26 Can Cabrit, Sant Antoni De Vilamajor SPA (+ Outcry, Aside)
1998.07.28 Ateneu, Badalona SPA (+ Aside)
1998.07.29 Atzavara Club, Sant Feliu De Guíxols SPA (+ Aside)
1998.07.30 Sant Celoni SPA (+ Aside)
1998.07.31 C.S.A. Entropia, Zaragoza SPA (+ Baikor, Aside)
1998.08.01 Centro Social Libertario Antracita, Madrid SPA (+ Menos Que Nada, Aside)
1998.08.05 Rock Beer The New, Santander SPA (+ Aside)
1998.08.06 Gasteizko Gaztetxea, Vitoria SPA (+ Aside)
1998.08.07 Deusto Gaztetxea, Bilbao SPA (+ Aside)
1998.09.18 Entrepotdok, Amsterdam (+ Sin Dios, Seein’Red, Dropdead)
1998.11.15 Parkhof, Alkmaar (+ Yphobia, Soberespone, Seein’Red, Vitamin X)