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(1991 – 1999)
Meaning bandname: The name fell out of the sky on one of the first practises, a drunk night full of word-jokes. No-one remembers exactly how and why.
History: Yphobia started in 1991 with Chris, Emil, Bas on guitar, bass and drums and two vocalists Rob and Oene (formerly Chronicore). Quite some gigs were done with this line-up until somewhere in 1996 Emil left because his study and activities as singer for Catweazle. René (ex-Larry Speaks) joined and also a 2nd guitarplayer, Rommert and Rob was replaced by Erik-Jan (ex-Boycot guitarist) for a short while. Because of being too busy with Fleas And Lice and PCP, Oene decided to quit, but helped out until a new singer was found: Jaap who joined in 1998 and in this line-up they did their final concert in Duisburg, Germany on 30.01.1999.
Lyrics: The lyrics were (very) critical towards certain aspects of society like war, religion, meat, abuse; shortly: the decline of human and animal rights on a worsening planet.
Description: Extremely fast and chaotic (death)metal based hardcorepunk, later more and more grind.
Chris – guitar
Bas Bloemen – drums
René Beukers – bass (1996-1999)
Rommert Pleijzier – guitar (1996-1999)
Jaap Olthof – vocals (1998-1999)
Emil Reason – bass (1991-1996)
Rob Douwstra – vocals (1991-1996)
Oene Brandsma – vocals (1991-1998)
Erik-Jan – vocals (1996-1996)
Other bands:
Bas Bloemen – Bloodcrust, Mindføk, Joyce No Spang, Dabba Roots
René Beukers – Larry Speaks, Largo, Grinding Halt, Iron Cage, The Last Mile, Los Asesinos De La Superficialidad, Resent, Suffering Quota, Office Killer, Resent
Rommert Pleijzier – PCP, The Last Mile, No I.D.
Jaap Olthof – Soon, Largo, Resent, I’m Still Standing, The Last Mile, Reflect Criticize Act, Grinding Halt, Music For The Defect, Pemmikan, Karoushi, Cpt. Badass, North To The Night, Upset Tiger, Shaka Brah, Skara
Emil Reason – Catweazle
Rob Douwstra – Bloodcrust, Chronicore, PCP, Føkdis
Oene Brandsma – Chronicore, Bloodcrust, PCP, Joyce No Spang, Mindføk, Mad Idea, Dorst!, Fleas And Lice
Erik-Jan – Boycot
1992 – Yphobia TAPE (Selfreleased, NL)
1995 – Yphobia TAPE (Selfreleased, NL)
1999 – demo 05.1999 (Unreleased)
1999 – Yphobia TAPE (Selfreleased, NL)
1998 – Animals Have Feelings Too! TAPE (UPS, NL)
Concerts: (assorted)
(Chris, Bas, Oene, Rob, Emil)
1993.06.19 Platformtheater, Groningen (+ Gellysmash, The Wise Guys)
1993.09.18 Viadukt, Groningen (+ Elvis Deadly, Tromatism, Fleas And Lice, Chronicore) (5 Jaar Viezemensenhuis)
1993.09.23 Vera, Groningen (+ Fleas And Lice)
1993.10.01 Onderbroek, Nijmegen (+ Fleas And Lice)
1993.10.25 Silvo, Rotterdam (+ Fleas And Lice)
1993.10.30 Ubica, Utrecht (+ Uutuus, Selfish)
1993.12.04 Viadukt, Groningen (+ B.Y.O.B.)
1993.12.16 Glasfabriek, Groningen (+ Oi Polloi)
1994.01.15 Kraneweg 1, Groningen (+ Catweazle, Schwarze Armee Fraction)
1994.02.19 Bar & Boos, Leiden (+ Catweazle)
1994.05.28 How’s Live Protest, Kraneweg 95b, Groningen (+ Fugue)
1994.06.04 Platformtheater, Groningen (Dichters van Epibreren, Lucid Moon, Gellysmash)
1994.07.30 Gideon, Groningen (+ Maus, Coitus, Korrupt, Fermented, Elvis Deadly, Dread Messiah, Fugue, Suicidal Supermarket Trolleys, Culture Slam, Screamer)
1995.06.10 Feest, Groningen (+ Boycot, Fermented, more)
1995.08.19 Glasfabriek, Groningen (+ Puur Punk, Adam’s Hand, De Stipjes, Fermented, C.K.N., Fermented, Boycot, Pislarven, Michael Jackzeun, Teenage Warning + more)
1995.08.26 Baroeg, Rotterdam (+ Boycot)
1995.08.28 Glasfabriek, Groningen (+ Citizen Fish)
1995.09.02 Parkhof, Alkmaar (+ Funeral Oration, Mögel)
(Chris, Bas, René, Rommert, Oene)
1996.07.02 Babylon, Hengelo (+ Obnoxious, End Of Ernie, Yuppies) (Doe Wat Festival)
1996.07.11 De Box, Hoogeveen (+ D.R.A., Anti Bitch, One Day Closer, No I.D., Collywobles, Rat Patrol)
1997.01.11 Glasfabriek, Groningen (+ Fleas And Lice, No I.D., Distress, Boycot, Venders Of Smut, Føkdis) (Hospital Bill Benefit)
1997.12.31 Opdrift, Groningen (+ PCP, No I.D.)
1998.02.18 Weddingparty Oene, O.R.K.Z., Groningen (+ PCP, Mad Punk Disease)
1998.05.08 Troll, Hoorn (+ Tuco Ramirez, Boycot, Restrained)
1998.06.06 Dukdalf, Wieringerwerf (+ Restrained, Hype, Tuco Ramirez, Vastatrix)
1998.11.15 Parkhof, Alkmaar (+ No I.D., Soberespone, Seein’Red, Vitamin X)
1999.01.28 Poortgebouw, Rotterdam (+ PCP)
1999.01.29 OCCII, Amsterdam (+ PCP)
1999.01.30 Fabrik, Duisburg GER (+ PCP)