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(2000 – 2006)

Meaning bandname: Synonymous for the deathcell. For the rest it is open for interpretation and matched well with the lyrics.

Bio: The Last Mile started out with Rommert on guitar, René on guitar, Emil on bass and Arys on drums in april of 2000. All members hailed from Groningen and our practiceroom is in the heart of the Groningen scene, ‘Het Viaduct’. René ‘s old bands Office killer, Resent and Yphobia all disbanded in a period of a couple of months before so it was time for something new. Rommert came from Yphobia. Emiel was the singer of Catweazle, which had disbanded also. Arys played in Seizure and Default, and had some time on his hands to do something besides this. A singer was soon found in the person of Jaap, the old singer of Resent and Yphobia. He had just returned from a long visit to Norway. The first one to leave the band was Emil in August 2000, because of moving to the south of the country. He was replaced by Wouter of Revolt. Second one was Arys in October 2000, he chose for his other bands after being unable to keep playing in three bands at once. Arys was replaced by Daniel also from Revolt. The first show was at the WSPA-benefit organized by Wouter, in march of 2001. A succesful gig playing with 8 other bands and 265 visitors. Wouter had to leave the band in September 2001 due to personal problems. Jaap started playing bass besides singing which makes us a four-piece. After playing some gigs and putting some money away we recorded in december of 2001 at the Sing Sing Studio in Metslawier. The result were 7 songs which is pressed on 10″ and released by Franz from Sabotage records and distro. Tours are done with one to Greece in 2004. The band splits up in 2006.

Lyrics: are written by Jaap and deal with subjects such as employment, consumer society, genetic manipulated food etc. from an anarchist point of view. Also some personal lyrics.

Description: The idea was to form a brutal hardcoreband with emphasis on a heavy instrumental wall of sound with extreme vocals. But also with sufficient melodies to keep it interesting and to be able to give it an own twitch.

René Beukers – guitar
Jaap Olthof – vocals (2000-2001), bass & vocals (2001-2006)
Daniël De Jong – drums (2001-2006)
Rommert Pleijzier – guitar
Emil Reason – bass (2000-2000)

Aris Houwing – drums (2000-2000)
Wouter Bakker – bass (2001-2001)

Other bands:
René Beukers – Larry Speaks, Largo, Office Killer, Yphobia, Grinding Halt, Iron Cage, Los Asesinos De La Superficialidad, Resent, Suffering Quota
Jaap Olthof – Soon, Yphobia, Largo, Resent, I’m Still Standing, Reflect Criticize Act, Grinding Halt, Music For The Defect, Pemmikan, Karoushi, Cpt. Badass, North To The Night, Upset Tiger, Shaka Brah
Daniël De Jong – Abort-Us, Revolt, The Architect, Miscreants, Ravens, Swinder, Podgy, Pemmikan
Rommert Pleijzier – No I.D., Yphobia, PCP
Emil Reason – Yphobia, Catweazle
Aris Houwing – Default, Katafalk, Krachmacher, Seizure
Wouter Bakker – Revolt, The Architect, Miscreants, Marat, Ravens

2003 – Reflecting The Ferocity Of Our Thoughts 10” (Sabotage, GER)
Recorded @ Sing Sing Studios, Metslawier 16-17.12.2002 by Milan Ćirić / Press: 500
2004 – Designed To Compensate The Lack Of Intrinsic Motivation 7” EP (De Graanrepubliek, NL / Opiate Records, NL / UPS, NL)
Recorded @ Kuschelrock, Schwanewede GER 01.2003 by Dirk Kusche
2005 – More Plastic Illusions LP (De Graanrepubliek, NL / Tofu Guerilla, GER / 213 Records, FRA / Bedbeforebreakfast, GER / Behind The Scenes, GER / End Of Silence, GER / Endless Sickness, GER / Narshardaa Records, GER / Wot Nxt Records, NL)
Recorded @ Kuschelrock, Schwanewede GER 11-13.02.2005 by Dirk Kusche

2005 – Blood From Zeitgeist CD (Code Breaker, GER)
2006 – De Slag Van Groverpop 2006 CD (Platex Records, NL)
2007 – The Discography CD ’07 CDr (Nashardaa Records, GER)
200X – Endless Sickness #3 TAPE (Endless Sickness, GER)

Concerts: (assorted)
2001.03.09 Platformtheater, Groningen (+ Loct, Chaos Engine, Los Asesinos De La Superficialidad, Aversion, Shikari, Revolt)
2001.05.24 Platformtheater, Groningen (+ Betercore, Default)
2001.11.10 OCCII, Amsterdam (+ Y, Olho De Gato, Cockroach)
2001.11.13 Brouwerij, Hengelo (+ Asschapel)

2002.02.09 Het Podium, Hoogeveen (+ Shikari, The Deal, Springrain)
2002.02.23 Bar & Boos, Leiden (+ Shikari)
2002.03.28 Platformtheater, Groningen (+ Makiladoras, From Ashes Rise)
2002.04.26 Vera, Groningen

2003.03.09 Parkhof, Alkmaar (+ more)
2003.09.23 Co-9, Zwolle (+ Shikari, Kevorkian)
2003.09.27 Podium, Hoogeveen (+ Boxed In, Accion Mutante, Tunnel Vision, Bullshit Science, Intensity, The Now-Denial, Driller Killer, Lomb, Tragedy, Cockroach, Mörser, Betercore, Zootic) (Trashfest 5)
2003.11.06 Simplon, Groningen (+ Ducktape, Seizure)
2003.11.13 De Brouwerij, Hengelo (+ Asschapel)

2004.03.20 Parkhof, Alkmaar (24 jr Parkhof)
2004.03.25 Athens GRE
2004.03.26 Patras GRE
2004.03.27 Thessaloniki GRE
2004.03.28 Kavala GRE
2004.04.25 ACU, Utrecht (+ The Apollo Program +1)
2004.05.20 Schlachthof Magazin Keller, Bremen
2004.05.21 Kastanie, Berlin GER
2004.05.22 Latarina Norska, Kolobrzeg POL
2004.05.23 Gdansk POL
2004.05.24 Białystok POL
2004.05.25 Siedice POL
2004.05.26 Kraków POL
2004.05.28 Nzdm Klidek, Hradec Králové CZE
2004.05.29 Brno CZE (Protest Fest)
2004.05.31 Danziger Freiheit, Regensburg GER
2004.06.01 Kafé Kult, München GER
2004.06.02 Ex-Steffie, Karlsruhe GER
2004.06.03 Besetztes Hau, Erfurt GER
2004.06.04 AK44, Giessen GER
2004.06.05 Stumpf, Hannover GER
2004.07.03 Bar Le Duc, Groningen (+ Antillectual)
2004.09.11 Bar Le Duc, Groningen
2004.12.20 De Kar, Groningen (+ Go! Revolution Go!)

2005.01.14 ACU, Utrecht (+ Darkwaterscam, Officer Jones)
2005.01.21 Kampen (+ Dandare, S.A.F +1)
2005.02.26 Mercurius Theater, Assen (+ Skietbagger, Smash The Statues, Niolism)
2005.09.09 Popfront, Zwolle (+ Gascoigne)
2005.10.29 Bar En Boos, Leiden (+ Iron Cage, Dead Rudofs, Jobcrusher)
2005.11.16 Vera, Groningen (+ Buried Inside)

2006.02.03 Opdrift, Groningen (+ Mindføk, Bloodbastard, Makiladoras)
2006.03.22 Het Podium, Hoogeveen (+ Asschapel, Submerge, Heroes Of The Novel, Jobcrusher)
2006.04.22 O.R.K.Z., Groningen (+ Mindføk, Vopos, Man Made Filth)
2006.06.03 Walrus, Groningen (+ Marat, Iron Cage, Skin Deep)
2006.10.29 Simplon, Groningen (+ Malkovich, Omission, Instil, Jetsetready, Massive Assault, A Silent Express, Marat, Flowers For Whores, Seizure, Dead Horse Running, Rush’n’Attack, The Architect) (Halloweenfest)
2006.11.02 J.A.Z., Rostock GER (+ Marat)
2006.11.03 Rote Flora, Hamburg GER (+ Marat)
2006.11.04 Stumpf, Hannover GER (+ Marat)
2006.11.05 Parkhof, Alkmaar (+ Marat, Öroku)
2006.11.18 Viadukt, Groningen (+ Iron Cage, Marat) (Final gig)