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(1980 – 1980)
Meaning Bandname: Originally called Flebo & The Hendomatix. Flebo was a chemical plant behind the parents house of Peep. His mother had a woolshop / dry cleaning called Hendo. Also inspired by the cheap electric guitars called Hondo
Bio: Never practiced. The bassplayer was too scared to do the first gig and got replaced by Astrid De Boer as vocalist. Only did 2 concerts.
Ralph Van Oort aka Van Gool – drums
Krikken A – vocals & bass
Geert Jan Ubbels aka Peep – guitar
Other bands:
Ralph Van Oort aka Van Gool – Nul-50, Rebel Yell, Vomit Trays, Stadzguerilla
Peep – De Botsing
1980.12.06 Simplon (+ The Vultures)
1980.12.26 Simplon, Groningen (+ Røtzøløs, Rags, Abcess, Two Two 79, Iglo’s, Rode Smurfen, Aigretjes, The Chops, Jetset, Zmiv, No Explanation, P.V.S., Silent Fiction, Slonz, The Encycklieks, Censuur) (Martini On The Rocks Festival)

geweldig inelkaar gezet,mijn botsingtape is nog steeds spoorloos klote,het was een erfstukje van wytze de bassist.R.I..P
de tape is weer terug, is hetzslfde als de opname in de oefenruimte van de botsing
op youtube kom ik nu pas 8er.
Had ik destijds van je geleend om te rippen :-)