Bio: This is basically Nul-50. Formed because of the squatting of De Faun on 30 April 1980. Do one gig with The Squats from Nijmegen in Simplon.
Gerard Meijer – vocals
Edwin Groot aka Glorix – guitar
Henk van der Lei † – bass
Ralph Van Oord aka Ivan Van Gool – drums
Other bands:
Gerard – Nul-50, Society Killers
Edwin – Nul-50, Space Marines, Warthogs, Society Killers
Henk – Roeg Toeg, The Slow-Ones, Censuur, Nul-50, Piss Offs, Society Killers, I.C.A., EDI-Balladears, Three Slow Ones, Drizzlin’ Rain & Weepin’ Willows
Ralph – Nul-50, The Rebel Yell, Vomit Trays
1980.05.17 Simplon, Groningen (+ The Squats, Second Lesson)