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(2004 – 2005)

Bio: Shortlived project of Joost Jonker. Partly from Hoogeveen. Recorded a bunch of songs in Het Conservatorium. The band stops when drummer Michel quit.

Michel Jonker – drums
Martheun Poolman – guitar
Joost Jonker – vocals
Joop Suelmann – guitar
Kyle – bass

Other bands:
Michel Jonker – Anti-Bitch, Venders Of Smut, Gabriels Despair, Delta Clone Project, Absorbed, Bullshit Science, Makiladoras, Massive Assault, Inhumanised, Descent To Hell, Suffering Quota, Entrapment, Dead Loyalty, Youth Deprivation, Skroetbalg, Red Sector A, Parallax Smile
Martheun Poolman – Point Of Few, Gascoigne, Gilgamesh
Joop Suelmann – Cease Assistance, Instil, Ravens

2005 – demo (Unreleased)

2005.01.14 ACU, Utrecht (+ The Last Mile,, Officer Jones)
2005.01.15 Het Podium, Hoogeveen (+ Machinemade God, Greyline, Isle Of Man, Every Snake Is Creeping)
2005.04.23 Vera Downstage, Groningen (+ The Architect)