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PCP, Zeroid, Twisted System, Instinct Of Survival, Dreschflegel @ Krustenhof, Stemwede GER 06 September 2003

From the bacteria newsletter #1: With almost no sleep, we manage to arrive in time in Stemwede. Actually we’re the first band to arrive! I’ve been here before with MAKILADORAS and this place just rules with a capital R!! It’s a huge farm with a barn and some smaller houses, plus acres of land around it. There’s living about 7 people in the farm and in some wagons. The mainhouse has the concertroom. It’s more like a livingroom with a bar. Really atmospheric and cosy with alot of beautiful murals. The whole place lives coz everywhere there is something to do and so many familiar faces, it’s like a reunion! Outside there’s a fire and picnic place. We get delicious food, and obviously I eat too much coz later we need to toss a coin to see the order of the bands. PCP needs to start first. Around 23.00 we do start and eventually we’re all happy we play now coz everyone seems to had lack of sleep in Elst. We did a good set and had a nice crowd. It’ been a while since I last saw the Liege gang. Cool! DRESCHFLEGEL from Vienna, Austria is next and is playing really tight NO COMMENTish hardcore. All songs very fast and usually in less than 1 and a half minute. Great stuff but tends to get tedious after 20 minutes. TWISTED SYSTEM was a real surprise. I know this band operated in the past as TRISTE but that was hardrock with a strong ACDC feel. This is catchy crust’n’roll with some fast parts, brief guitarwanking and heavy sound. With ex-HIATUS guitarplayer, ex-HELLBOUND drummer and ex-UNHINGED singer. The crowd just loves it! Then ZEROID. I didn’t know they would play so this was a hellish surprise. I always missed them when they played around and if there was always one hc band I wanted to see, it was ZEROID. And to my great surprise, this is their final gig… Consider me lucky. And I am more than happy I witnessed this one, even if they themselves were very dissapointed with it. They had alot of bad luck with the bassplayer who broke strings twice. It broke the mood and continuality of the concert but still… it was brutal nevertheless. Supertight, varied and powerful drumming, numerous dark and ultracatchy melodies, opposed guitarlines and brief wanking, diverse screaming…. damn, this is just perfect. And they play my favorite song Present Perfect as well. So it’s a very mixed feeling, happy to have seen them, sad to know it is over for ever. Why do the best bands always break up so quickly? I’m anxious to know any new projects. Their drummer is already playing for BUTCH MEIER, an excellent country & western band that does covers of classic hardcore/punksongs. Their debut 7″ “Moustache Means Respect” is an instant classic! I passed INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL coz it was already around 4 am, saw them several times before and most important, I need some sleep. The next morning we get a very nice collective breakfast in the garden. Some people are still drunk, some roll over in dogshit, some try to leave but still walk or fall around after hours.. On the german border we get stopped by the bordercops. We are ok but the spanish car that is with us has some problems. One of them forgot his passport in Stemwede but fortunately enough he can continue. Still he needs his passport back so we telephone to Stemwede. Then we hear that they just got a message that someone tragically died that night on the road to the farm. They are all mourning coz it was a good friend of the house. A very dramatic ending of an exciting weekend.  

Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Twisted System
Unloading at Het Viadukt

PCP (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Zeroid (Hamburg, Germany)
Twisted System (Liège, Belgium)
Instinct Of Survival (Hamburg, Germany)
Dreschflegel (Amstetten, Austria)