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Bloedbad – Groningen ’84 TAPE 2016

Band: Bloedbad
Title: Groningen ’84
Label: Moshover Records, Brazil
Year: May 2016
Press: 50
Additional: Correction from the insert: The demo 7.1984 was recorded with the first lineup / The song Wapenwaanzin spelled wrong on the sleeve as Wapenwedloop //
(from the Roodwitzwart LP)
A1. Anti-War
A2. Anarchie
A3. In Nood
A4. Normandië ’44
A5. Zuid-Afrika
A6. De Droom
A7. Liever Revolutie
A8. Protest
A9. Chemic
(from Babylon Bleibt Fahren LP)
A10. Resultaat Van De Navo
(from the Demo July 1984 tape)
B1. Verzet
B2. Wapenwaanzin 
B3. Hopeless Future
B4. It’s War Again
B5. 1986
B6. De Droom II
B7. Resultaat Van De Navo
(from live @ Babylon, Hengelo 03.03.1984)
B8. High Society Orders