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(Amsterdam, 1978 – 1983)
Bio: After the concert of The Clash in Paradiso on 12 October they decided to start a band. Lonnie wanted to sing but Rob was earlier to say it. After a couple of rehearsals in Willie’s room, they got their first concert after some weeks. They only had five songs. Since they played rather fast like the Ramones, it was difficult to find a suitable drummer. Almost every concert they had a different drummer. Rehearsals were done in No Name and under the Vondelparkbrug. With Erwin, brother of Lonnie, the songs got short guitarsolo’s which made the songs and sound more dirtier. There were a couple of periods they did nothing. Rob plays in the TV movie No Fun broadcasted by national television.
Willie – guitar (1978-1982), guitar & vocals (1982-1983)
Lonnie – bass
Kieviet – guitar (1979-1979)
Erwin – drums (1979-1982)
Rob van de Raapkamp aka Robbie – vocals (1978-1982)
Emiel – drums (1979-1979)
Rikkie – drums (1979-1979)
Mono – drums (1978-1979)
Frederique Wennekendonk aka Rikki aka Ricky Rat – drums (1979-1979)
Other bands:
Emiel – Infexion
Frederique Wennekendonk – Mongo Mange Gatoo
1979 – 422 3
1980 – Strijdzweet 7
1980 – Unite And Fight 1
2007 – Rob van de Raapkant Interview
1980 – No Fun (w/Robbie van de Raapkant, Infexion soundtrack, Ankie sister of Lonnie)
Concerts: (selected)
1979.02 NRC, Amsterdam
1979.03.27 Baalcafé Paradiso, Amsterdam (+ Infexion, V.D. Patients)
1979.04.19 Paradiso, Amsterdam (+ Motorboat, The Bugs)
1979.04.30 No Name, Amsterdam (+ V.D. Patients, Jezus And The Gospelfuckers, PCX)
1979.06.23 Amsterdamse Bos, Amsterdam (+ Krash On Poland, Infexion, The Bugs, Workmates, V.D. Patients, PCX, Inside Nipples)
1979.07.17 NZ Voorburgwal, Amsterdam (+ Infexion, The Scabs, The Bugs, The Studs, The Nitwitz)
1979.09.11 Kaasee, Rotterdam (+ Infexion, The Bugs)
1980.10.25 Parkhof, Alkmaar (+ His Master’s Noise, Bloodklat)
1981.05.09 Babylon, Woerden (+ Jezus And The Gospelfuckers) 1982.06.16 Oktopus, Amsterdam (+ Jezus And The Gospelfuckers)