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(1993 – 1995)

Bio: Formed by members from various bands from Groningen. Pretty much influenced by the likes of The Cramps, The Ramones, The Dwarves and The Damned.

Harold Zijp – bass
Hein Douglas aka Dougl – drums
Douwe Oppewal – guitar
Enos Kruytbosch – vocals

Other bands:
Harold Zijp – Sheffield Sunday, The Beavers, Lick A Wallsocket, The Cheating Hearts, Exota Springs
Hein Douglas – Boegies, Dolly Dorst, Lick A Wallsocket
Douwe Oppewal – Dad’s Entertainment, Bottle To The Baby, The Cheating Hearts, Drive-By Wedding, Punkrockheavymetalband, Exota Springs, Mansell, Riff Randell
Enos Kruytbosch – Rock And Roll Perverts

1993 – The Stiffs TAPE (Selfreleased, NL)
Recorded @ The rehearsalroom with a tapedeck, Groningen
1995 – Still Standing Stiff TAPE (Selfreleased, NL)
Recorded @ Simplon, Groningen 25 & 28.02.1995 by Rolf

Concerts: (assorted)
1993.11.20 Vera Downstage, Groningen (1st Concert)

1994.02.04 Simplon, Groningen
1994.11.18 Simplon, Groningen