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PCP, Menos Que Nada, Sin Dios @ C.S.O. El Laboratorio, Madrid SPA 10 March 1998

Monday 9/3 (day-off on the road)
We decide not to drive to Madrid in one day but to crash first at the Casa Okupada in Cordoba and do Madrid the next day. We find out we are locked into our home… I experienced this situation before in Germany with Catweazle/Selfish and it was NOT GOOD, especially when you ought to leave. We remove the lock from the door (there was no other way) and free ourselves. We put all the stuff in the van, fit the lock back on the door and are shown the right way to Cordoba by buddies Dani and David.
We arrive in Cordoba at around 7 pm. I phone the Opahostil people, but no one answers. We find the squat by ourselves. This is really big. It looks like a church with a huge annex to it. We have a hard time finding the right entrance. It seems nobody is in. I get uncomfortable because there’s a really big police-station next to the squat, and we are already waiting 1 hour next to this building. Finally someone is coming at the door. He seems to be a bit paranoia. It appears he’s the only person inside and the squat can get evicted any moment… According to the situation, it is not too smart to stay there any longer. However, he gave us the choice. We decide not to take any risk and head straight for Madrid anyway. After taking another good look inside the squat (it’s fabulous), I phone the Fobia local and they arrange for us a welcome-committee at the C.S.O. El Laboratorio at 3 o’clock in the morning!
Tuesday 10/3 (C.S.O. El Laboratorio/Madrid; with Menos Que Nada and Sin Dios)
After a couple hours sleep, we finally meet with Txus, our initial contactperson in El Laboratorio. We get a really nice and interesting tour through the squat. Great! They have 2 concertplaces: Al Cielo (Heaven) and Al Infierno (Hell). I prefer Hell (more like a bar, very small stage) but it would be too noisy for the neighbourhood so we will play Heaven (more like a slaughterhouse, very big stage). Around 6 pm, people start showing up to prepare for the concert. I love to see all those hard-working punks! We are too tired to do a soundcheck so Sin Dios does all the shitwork. Thank you very much. I see alot of people coming for this concert. For something organized in 3 days and on a weekday, this is truly amazing! I get to talk with some guys that saw Catweazle play at the Ateneo Libertario de Villaverde. Crazy, I always thought we, this band Agarrate and Angel plus Jorge we’re the only people present at that time….
Menos Que Nada was very varied. Ultra fast hardcore but also midtempo punkrock! Very enjoyable. Sin Dios = estupendo. Period. They remind me alot of Seein’Red but musically Sin Dios are much more diversified and interesting. I wish I could understand what they say in between songs. Must learn some Spanish. PCP was chaotic and out of tune. I know, I’m not very objective about our own music but this is a PCP tourreport so what’s the use of ignoring your own band. Shit, I see I broke a crash cymbal. I promise…

PCP (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Menos Que Nada (Madrid, Spain)
Sin Dios (Madrid, Spain)