PCP, Makiladoras, Opus Dead @ El Barrio, Madrid SPA 28 December 2001
This was a very memorable tour. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Makiladoras borrowed a small van for this tour called De Spitsmuis, which had no heater. All Portuguese dates were canceled so we had 5 days off which we spent for a great deal in Madrid. De Spitsmuis broke down and had to be repaired. Esther/PCP got bitten seriously by a dog and had to go to hospital. It started snowing in Valencia and bands canceled gigs because of this. A lot of times we had to arrange warm sleepingplaces. Rick got ill and Makiladoras had to cancel the last couple of concerts.
PCP (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Makiladoras (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Opus Dead (Madrid, Spain)