i remenber this gig, played drums with Bad taste fron mallorca, the last gig in the first german tour, pcp nice people, we play togheter but with fleas and lice in Sweden, i think the drumer of pcp is the same of fleas. I saw a video of this gig but only 1 song, a cover song of beaste boys. Well, i only want say hello to the holland people. Ups the punks
i remenber this gig, played drums with Bad taste fron mallorca, the last gig in the first german tour, pcp nice people, we play togheter but with fleas and lice in Sweden, i think the drumer of pcp is the same of fleas. I saw a video of this gig but only 1 song, a cover song of beaste boys. Well, i only want say hello to the holland people. Ups the punks
The drummer of Fleas And Lice was the bassplayer of PCP at the time! I dug up that Bad Taste youtube video and added it to the page. Thanx!