Olho Seco, Força Macabra, ENS!, Zombified, Selfish @ Eldslandet, Jönköping SWE 12 September 1999

Get up at 7.00 and arrive at 19.00 where we see the Finns first who are celebrating the end of a 3-day fest. When we enter the rather big concerthall with two obligatory bouncers, there’s just a few people left and Selfish, with a new bassplayer, has to play. The sound is awful. During ENS! we meet Jonne (ex-Dom Där, War Collapse, Tolshock) the organizer and outside, Jefersom checks all Portuguese lyrics for Força Macabra. A rather amusing scene! The Finns already played two days ago but they wanted to meet Olho Seco so they travelled to Jönköping again. Zombified plays sloppy punk and Força Macabra is impressive and fast! During Olho Seco, the Finns go crazy. We get offered a lot of moonshine, homebrewed wine (50% alcohol) in 4 liter jerrycans. We sleep at Janne’s place, who’s drunk the Swedish way and loses a good deal of the doormoney. The Finns travel back to Stockholm and take the (infamous) ferry to Finland. Oh, and we got stopped at the German-Danish border with an officer that just wanted to find something in our Dutch van. I was glad they used a drugsdog but everything you said, was suspect so it took ages to continue.

Jefersom checks
Força Macabra
Olho Seco
Olho Seco
Olho Seco
Olho Seco , Selfish and Força Macabra
Olho Seco , Selfish and Força Macabra

Olho Seco (São Paulo, Brasil)
Selfish (Finland)
Força Macabra (Helsinki, Finland)
ENS! (Göteborg, Sweden)
Zombified (Sweden)