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(1995 – 1999)

Bio: Nitrogen was a punkrock/hardcoreband from Ter Apel. A couple of 14 and 15 year old highschoolfriends wanted to play their favourite music. So they started their first band. Nitrogen released two demo’s, played some local shows and when they all graduated, the band fell apart. Their last show was June 5th 1999 at the legendary punkhol/cafe Erica.

Description: Hardcore/punk with mainly dutch lyrics

Martin Kuipers – guitar, vocals
Jasper Wachters – guitar, vocals
Jaap Vissering – drums, vocals
Gerbert Bakker – bass
Sander De Wit – trumpet

Other bands:
Jaap Vissering – Cease Assistance, Instil, Vindictive, The Hunger, Vrizze Wichter, Volchok

1996 – Nitrogen demo (Selfreleased, NL)
1997 – Domme Bagger demo (Selfreleased, NL)

Concerts: (assorted)
1999.06.05 Café Erica, Erica