Makiladoras, Mihoen!, The Kickers, Dandare @ Simplon, Groningen 09 November 2004

The Kickers
Mihoen! (Pic by Lút)
Mihoen! (Pic by Lút)
Mihoen! (Pic by Lút)
Mihoen! (Pic by Lút)
Mihoen! (Pic by Lút)
Mihoen! (Pic by Lút)
Mihoen! (Pic by Lút)
Makiladoras (Pic by Lút)
Makiladoras (Pic by Lút)
Makiladoras (Pic by Lút)
Makiladoras (Pic by Lút)
Makiladoras (Pic by Lút)
Makiladoras (Pic by Lút)
Makiladoras (Pic by Lút)
Makiladoras (Pic by Lút)
The Kickers (Pic by Lút)
The Kickers (Pic by Lút)
The Kickers (Pic by Lút)
The Kickers (Pic by Lút)
The Kickers (Pic by Lút)
The Kickers (Pic by Lút)
Dandare (Pic by Lút)
Dandare (Pic by Lút)
Dandare (Pic by Lút)

Makiladoras (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Mihoen! (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Dandare (Kampen, The Netherlands)
The Kickers (Groningen, The Netherlands)