We pick up Adam and do some more beerhunting. Rick is a fanatic and wants to try them all. I’m not much of a beerdrinker but I must admit, those Polish beers are really good and not too bitter. I believe I tried about 20 of them so far and most of them are pretty good! The roads are real quiet and small so we arrive early to have some good warm vegan food. The bar is very small and we play under a wooden stairway. This must be even smaller than Piekary Śląskie… I notice that the right tomholder of my drumkit is fucked (screw thread destroyed) and there is no way to repair it, so I need to play with one tom only which is usually a difficult task. OUT OF CONTROL are really good metalcore. Very wellplayed with strong songstructures. I KNOW played their best gig. Everything seemed to work and the sound was massive as well. Organizer Tukan tries to convince us in crashing his place but we always sleep in our van, in our quiet and warm bed. For me the worst is sleeping in one small room with 6+ persons including some notorious snorer.
Makiladoras (Groningen, The Netherlands)
I Know (Belarus)
Out Of Control (Poland)