Jetset, Vacuüm, Puinhoop @ Haddingedwarsstraat, Groningen 15 October 1983

When we got attacked by a group of nazi hooligans in the citycentre, we ran back to the party. I never forget when the sliding door went open and tons of punx came running out, leaving the hooligans in shock. The situation was now completely reversed. A miracle no one got seriously injured. The concert was chaotic and came to an early end when someone (hallo J.P.) started fooling around with some carwheels, that crashed into our/Puinhoop guitar equipment.

Puinhoop (©
Puinhoop (©
Puinhoop (©
The end (©
Theo and Bart (©
Jan, Mark en J.P. (©
Bart en Orgie (©
Ina (©
Bart, Peter, J.P./Vacuüm, Ina en Rob/Vacuüm (©
? – Bart – Harm – Sanni/Bloedbad (©
J.P./Vacuüm – Bart – Bert – Orgie – Edwin/Bloedbad (©
Orgie – Michael/Puinhoop – Sauber (©
Michael/Puinhoop (©
Voorkant van het pand

Jetset (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Vacuüm (Groningen / Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Puinhoop (Groningen, The Netherlands)