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Drugs Of Faith, Blood I Bleed, Skrupel, Malignant Tumour, Mass Strangulation @ Gerberstrasse, Weimar GER 07 October 2007

When Drugs Of Faith arrived on the airport in Berlin, their luggage and instruments were missing. After a long holdup in the airport, we drove to Weimar which is about 300 km. We already drove 560 km from Groningen to Berlin. Next day was the concert in Eindhoven but the following morning we first drove back to Berlin to check on the stuff which still hasn’t arrived and drove from Berlin to Eindhoven which is about 650 km. After that gig we decided to go to Groningen to sleep which is another 250 km. In total we drove more than 2600 km in two days!

Drugs Of Faith (Virginia, USA)
Blood I Bleed (The Netherlands)
Skrupel (Jena, Germany)
Malignant Tumour (Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Mass Strangulation (Germany)