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(Castricum, 1980)
Bio: Were called The Chaos. Come from different cities. Have anarchist-pacifist and anti-fascist lyrics written by Artz. Influenced by Jezus And The Gospelfuckers, Crisis and The Drones. Practise in Castricum
Edwin Lijnzaad aka Opa – guitar
Ayatolla Andringa – drums
Ad Sandke aka Adolf Aambei – bass
Artz aka Dr. A. – vocals
Dick van Bachum – guitar
Other bands:
Ad Sandke – World War Rockers, Red Stags, The Burnin’ Burritos, Vampyrette de Luxe, Jump Back, Love Burning Billy and the Cover Club, The Chaos
Artz – Graese, The Chaos
Edwin Lijnzaad – The Chaos
1980 – Unite & Fight 3 / Punk Explosie 3
Concerts: (selected)
1980.05.03 ANJV, Beverwijk
1980.05.05 Anti-Fascism Festival, Haarlem (+ World War Rockerz)
1980.05.31 Parkhof, Alkmaar (+ The Ex, Workmates, BVD, The Giantsz, Putrid Fever, Oxid, Ketchup, World War Rockers, Delinquents, Krikk, Rakketax, Hilversum 5, Kreche) (Rock Against Sonoy)