Catweazle, Ahimsa @ Bar Associatif Le Vendemiare, Montreuil FRA 05 May 1997

We meet with Sylvain in Montreuil. It’s pouring with rain. The concertplace is in a very small bar/info-cafe situated in a modern, covered mall (something like Hoog-Catharijne in Utrecht) – unreal. The stage is too small for the drumkit. We improvise and it’s something like a seesaw: lean a bit too much to one side and you fall off the stage. Very adventurous indeed. We meet with Ahimsa and I see a special delegation from Orleans as well! Not too many people show up but we become friends with almost everyone present. Also everybody seems to love dogs coz they’re everywhere. We hear there was a bombing in Euskadi. I hope we won’t have too much trouble getting into Spain.

Bar Associatif Le Vendemiare

Ahimsa (Strasbourg, France)
Catweazle (Groningen, The Netherlands)