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Catweazle, Agarrate @ Ateneo Libertario De Villaverde, Madrid SPA 12 May 1997

Long drive to Madrid. The rather big concertplace is in the CNT building. We meet with Angel and Jorge. Also we notice some suit & tie persons with attaché-suitcase coming up to the stage… Mistake? No, it is Agaratte and they start changing clothes… crazy! On stage they sound pretty good. A shame Mike didn’t record this. When we start to play, the place is almost empty. After the concert, it’s off to the El Laboratorio squat and eat a warm meal at Jorge’s beautiful bar at 3 A.M. The next day we check out El Laboratorio which is squatted for 2 weeks – alot of activity here, very refreshing to see. We’re asked to play this one on the quickly improvised stage on the 13th may but unfortunately we choose to have a day off. News spreaded fast and there were constantly people asking for us. This is the one gig I seriously regret not to have done.

Agarrate (Madrid, Spain)
Catweazle (Groningen, The Netherlands)