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(Rotterdam, 1979 – 1985)
Meaning Bandname: Named after the rehearsalcellar in Huize Schoonderloo in the 2de IJzerstraat in Rotterdam where Rondos lived and worked. Later add OESO to their name which originally means Organisatie voor Europese Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling = Organisation for European Cooperation and Development but they change it in Ongewenste Elementen ShOw = Unwanted Elements ShOw.
Bio: Rehearse in Huize Schoonderloo and have alot of members. Marja and Roger are the only steady members and the band centers about them. They do about an hundred concerts with numerous members and reform in 2011.
Marja van Lankeren aka Ladybike – bass
Roger Twyford aka Roger Bunker † – vocals (1979-1982), guitar & vocals (1982-1985)
Ron Verbeek – drums
Chris van der Velde – drums
Chiel van der Stelt – drums
Minko – drums
Ronnie Snipperdag – drums
Roland Blok – drums
Kees – drums
Ruud de Groot – guitar
Koert Sauer – guitar
Rob † – guitar
Aad Kotx – guitar
Theo van der Velde – guitar
Bob Beecham – guitar
Frank Stroobants aka Knarf – guitar
Patrick † – guitar
1980 – Shifts 7” EP (B-Sides Vinyl, NL)
1979 – Untitled 2x 7” EP (King Kong Records, NL)
1980 – Rotterdam Collection LP (Backstreet Backlash Records, NL)
1983 – Rotterdam Spunk LP (Plastic Cheese, NL)
1979 – Raket 1
Concerts: (selected)
1979.05.19 Binnenstadsdag, Rotterdam (+ Railbirds, Rondos, Berlin, Zero Zero) (1st gig)
1979.06.08 Eksit, Rotterdam (+ Stealer, Rubber Dildo’s)
1979.09.15 Kaasee, Rotterdam (+ Josef Kip Quartet, Rondos, De Sovjets, Tändstickorshocks, Infexion, The Bugs)
1980.03.08 O’16, Voorburg (+ Kreche)
1980.05.30 Kotx, Bunker
1980.10.15 Simplon, Groningen
1980.11.07 Kaasee, Rotterdam (+ Zounds, Suburbans)
1981.04.25 Simplon, Groningen (+ Rags)
1981.05.23 Eendrachtsplein, Rotterdam (+ The Deathco’s, Kotx and more)
1981.07.04 Stadhuis, Rotterdam
1981.08.16 New Pop, Rotterdam (+ J. Dops, Ondergeniepig, Debiele Eenheid, Slaughterhouse 5, Neo Pogo’s, Kotx)
1981.08.23 Sterrenbos, Groningen (+ Aswad, Au Pairs, The Sound, Modern Eon, Mathilde Santing, Tasmanian Theatre, Bitch Band Number I, Grammes)
1982.05.22 Weena, Rotterdam (+ Defect, At Last, Muff Divers, Formaline Ka)
1982.07.17 Schouwburgplein, Rotterdam (+ No, Prove!)
1982.09.18 Simplon, Groningen (+ Defect)
1982.12.11 Spuit Elluf, Zwartsluis (+ Sturm Und Drang)
1983.04.09 Arena Foyer, Rotterdam (+ Bunker)
1983.08.25 Festival bij Sarto, Rotterdam
1983.08.27 Hedon, Zwolle