(Rotterdam, 1978 – 1980)

Bio: Influenced by The Ramones and The Sex Pistols. To shock, provocate and party were the key elements of their wild and spectacular concerts. It became extremely funny because it was totally over-the-top. Punk wasn’t as serious as later years and there were not too many punkbands in Rotterdam. They rehearse in O.J.C. de Chillup in the south of Rotterdam. Acné wasn’t a role model and was no typical punk example. Sometimes side acts were asked to make it a big party during gigs. The band played around Rotterdam in places such as Chillup, Eksit, Nivon, Wijkgebouw Plein 53 and the final concert was in Kaasee. The band stops because the drummer quit or members got other priorities. There was no fighting or other trouble and the band ended naturally.

Description: Punk.

Peter van der Wulp – vocals
Eric – bass
Ronnie Snipperdag – drums
Bert Evengroen – guitar
Roel – saxophone

Other bands:
Peter van der Wulp – Vissenpunk
Eric – Embryo
Ronnie Snipperdag – Canada, Bunker, Simple Sound
Bert Evengroen – Vissenpunk
Roel – Headline

Concerts: (selected)
1979.01.06 Eksit, Rotterdam (+ Slaughterhouse 5, The Bodysnatchers, Headline)
1980.02.23 Kaasee, Rotterdam (+ Flashing White Boots)

Source: Ronnie Snipperdag