As you all noticed the newsletter is not coming out very frequently. I do the necessary updates in the other sections, but it's just too much work to maintain this thing so what I want to do is put this out at least once a year with all possible info there is/was on Dutch diy punk. Several other changes are in the MP3 section. Unfortunately I lost the host, so most MP3's do not work anymore. I'm considering finding webspace elsewhere but so far it costs too much. Until then I am forced to limit the amount of MP3's. Since I'm not booking alot of tours anymore, I have exchanged the TOURS section with a BANDS section. Here you will find links to webpages of all my past and present bands plus hostbands. Also a G.G.I. section has been added. This one is linked to the Groningen section of the fest, but you can find loads of info here about the annual festival.   

PCP - Vera, Groningen 02.12.2004BANDNEWS:
Splitups, breakups, rest in pieces, hope-there-won't-be-a-reunion (DREAM ON!) or BANDS THAT ARE NO MORE section:

RADIO BIKINI (from Limboland)
Played their memorable final show on 10th September in Weert together with a shitload of other bands. Instantly banned from the venue because they whitewashed the entire place with flour. With entire I mean every cm including the soundboards, light installation, backlines, distros, just about everything... Drummer Dennis continues to play in SCATLOVER, Simon and Sander started MOLOTOV. RADIOS BIKINI did a final split 7" EP with AMOR from Brasil.

KRIEGSTANZ (from Amersfoort and around)
Split up right after the USA tour with SEEIN'RED. Will continue as STAATHAAT with Ralf Opiate on vocals.

DARKWATERSCAM (from Hoogeveen/Groningen)
Recorded a bunch of songs but once again lost the drummer. They gave up on finding yet another one.

SHIKARI (from Groningen)
Did the final gig on 7th May and released a last record, a split 9" with LOUIS CYPHRE from Germany. A complete discography tape from Poland will be released later this year. Singer still plays in GRINDING HALT and THE OFFICE, and the drummer is in MAKILADORAS.
Link - Eurodusnie, Leiden 21.01.2006
PCP (from Groningen)
Ended with an European tour with CRUDE from Japan and called it quits in January. Guitarplayer goes on in MINDFOK, drummer in MAKILADORAS.

COCKROACH (from Panningen)
Did their final gig at Trashfest 9. Released a final full length.

FLEAS AND LICE did a very succesful 3 week USA tour together with Star Strangled Bastards. Their label Rodent Popsicle released the new Prepare For Armaggedon CD and the Early Years CD. February will see some gigs with their original drummer Maynard (also MUSHROOM ATTACK).
MAKILADORAS new In Eigen Hand concept LP has been out since October. The CD version is done by Too Circle from Japan. Esperanza from Brasil will release a discography CD and Bullwhip Records/Cactus Distro from Malaysia have released the 2001-2004 CD. Last year had tours to Spain, France, and Skandinavia (with Armagedom from Brasil). The next year will see tours to France (January), a 17 day tour to Poland (February/March), and definitely Japan (around September/October).
SKINT recorded 10 songs in Bunt's Studio in January and are looking for labels to release.
THE LAST MILE have their new Plastic Illusion LP out but won't be playing too much due to fathership of one of their members.
RAT PATROL finally did 3 gigs in 2005. That's 2 more than the year before!
THE ARCHITECT found a new singer (ex-SHAI HULUD) and recorded one song for the local Grover Pop CD. Absolute catchy metalcore!
The ArchitectMINDFOK definitely added Oene PCP as a 3rd guitarplayer and still going strong.
LINK is the new band of Eva/Makiladoras on bassguitar. Melodic hardcorepunk and starting to gig around.
IRON CAGE is a pretty new band and already did a UK tour with THE LAST MILE and recorded 10 songs in May. Have members of DANDARE, ILL11, VOICE OF DISTRESS, LADS and THE LAST MILE. Great old school hardcore.
SELLOUTS is a new punkrock band with Sjakie of MINDFOK and ex-LADS on drums.
NEW REALITY already exists since 2003 but just found out about them. This is ex-TEENAGE WARNING and LEGAL AXION and they play punkrock heavily based on early UK bands suck as Chaos UK and Sex Pistols. Just recorded and already appeared on a bunch of compilations.
JOBCRUSHER from Zwolle is preparing a new release.

JESUS CROST from Rotterdam have a discography CD out and the new LP will be out soon.
PROPAGATOR from Hoogeveen reminds me abit of JOBCRUSHER. Fast and furious trashgrind and recorded at Dirty Bird Studio.
SANGRE from Amsterdam/Alkmaar/Brasil/Poland toured Sweden last September and have recorded for a 10" on UPS Records. Most promising new band.
DE WAONZIN released a split CD with NUESTROS DERECHOS, also from Utrecht. Both play more metal than core.
MIHOEN! from Utrecht will release something new sooner or later.
GEWAPEND BETON from Amsterdam are embryopunx playing great catchy punkcore. Definitely has an 80's UK punk vibe. Brilliant stuff and live totally convincing!! Just released a split LP with BAKFIETSBOYS. Note the cover, an instant classic!
DESPERATE CRIES with GEWAPEND BETON members. Haven't heard or seen them yet but should be good crusty hardcore.
SEEIN'RED from Amersfoort did very succesful tours in Japan and the USA. New LP on Ebullition just out and preparing a shitload of new split records.
GILGAMESH recorded at Dirty Bird and released it as a new MCD on Hectic Records. Some members play in GASCOIGNE.
Seein'Red live in Nagoya JapanGASCOIGNE got the PAYROLL drummer and OPERATION MARKET GARDEN singer and is doing alot of shows. One of the best new Dutch bands!
KRUSH from Leiden did a tour with BLOOD I BLEED last year and released a split 7" with BLOOD I BLEED on Fast & Furious/Roadkill Records. Terrotten from Brasil will eventually release a CD with previously released material. In the meantime they one of the 2 singers left the band.
HYSTERIA from Amsterdam/Utrecht had some memberchanges but is still going strong and recently playing more and more shows.
MARKLAR from Alkmaar recorded new songs and released them as a limited demo CDR. Great uptempo hardcore with grindparts, high vocals and goofy lyrics!
ANTIDOTE from Den Haag/Amsterdam toured fucking Russia, and working on a new record on Dirty Faces.
VALS from Enschede have just toured the USA with PAWNS. Catchy anarchopunk heavily influenced by RUDIMENTARY PENI, CRASS and the likes. Recorded 11 new songs in november, which will be released on split 7" EP's with PAWNS and GALBAK.
HBG from Alkmaar play crustcore with duo male/female vocals. I love their homemade beerlogo!
MANMADEFILTH from Alkmaar with duo male vocals play raw metallic hardcore with ex-members of BETERCORE and DISTROY.

GALBAK are already around since 1999 and play a mix of anarchopunk and ska. Just recorded songs for split 7" EP's with VALS and MISTAKE.
THE CORROSIVES from Hoeksewaard play tight infectious punkrock and will release a split 7" EP with GEWAPEND BETON sooner or later. In the meantime check out their It's A Dead End demo CD!

THE OFFICE is ex-singer of SHIKARI (and OFFICE KILLER ;-), ex-guitar of DANDARE and drummer of SEEIN'RED joining up for an oldschool band in the vein of THE OFFENDERS.
RUPSBAND is Richard UPS together with SAF and SHINING members doing 80's crossover (think ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT and the likes). Tape is out now and playing around alot!

Zweetkutten reunion
"The 'mid-life-crisis-bored-with-my-wife & kids-let's-reform-the-old-band-and-have-another-go-punk's-back-look-at-Green-Day...' bands just want an escape from the mundane lives that they bought into when they decided 'punk's dead and I want to settle down' - they're just nostalgia clowns"
I'm afraid there is no escape from this. Last 5 years been a huge trend to reform again (preferably with only one or two members from the original line-up) and I believe about every popular and not-so-popular band reformed or going to reform sooner than later. Let's see which Dutch clowns did 2005:

Literally translates to sweatcunts and was a fucking brilliant hardcore band with a totally over-the-top female singer from Alkmaar in the early 80's. They only released on the Holland Hardcore Tape #1 and did a demotape. This 1 time reunion on the Kerstival festival in Alkmaar on 24th December is with all original members. Real funny to watch but quite dreadful to hear. Good they only did this once.

Old punkband from Delfzijl, in the Groningen area and released a bunch of records in the early 80's. They started with a reunion show with all original members in October in their hometown and seems they have been succesful because 14th January they did another one.

One of my favorite Dutch hardcore bands from the 80's, and one of the first bands to combine punk with metal (read: Iron Maiden riffs). Released only one 7" EP and appeared on the Holland Hardcore Tape #1. Last december  the legit discography LP was released on Noise And Distortion from Belgium (with the help of yours truly) and they did some sort of release reunion party at the Kerstival Festival in Alkmaar on 24th December. Zmiv had done one official reunion show before, in Steenwijk on 25.12.88 together with loads of old bands. This one was with a replacement drummer (also for VOPOS), and they decided to continue. Hope they will get more practise before the next show because this one was kind of embarrassing, them fucking up practically every song. Pretty horrific if you know how they were in the old days...but good fun if you don't take things too seriously.

GGI Groningen 2005EVENTS:
In Hoogeveen have now an official website online. Started in 2001 and did a total of 10 editions. Organizer Marteun is the thriving force behind this monster and all editions were very succesful with bands from all over the globe. Next edition will be in the last weekend of june and covering 3 days with bands such as Bruce Banner, La Fraction, Kidd Blunt...

Groningen Glasgow Ireland Festival. 2005 had the fest in Groningen and was a huge succes with loads of bands and parties in 3 days. Next year should be in Glasgow.

Rockin Squat, Amsterdam - got evicted with a riot. Plenty of people arrested.
Bar-A-Kade Squat, Groningen - started doing concerts and a Thursday nitebar.
Op Drift Squat, Groningen - is supposed to get evicted this year.
Bar-Le-Duc Squat, Groningen - also supposed to get evicted soon.
Inferno Euro Squat, Den Bosch - new huge place in an industrial area and doing parties and gigs now.

All Under Age - No Jokes, No Funny Stuff CD (White Russian Records, NL)
Antillectual - Silencing Civilization CD (NL)
Badlands - Flame Still Burning CD (Rebellion, NL)
Bakfietsboys - Nederpunk Gaat Door LP (split with Gewapend Beton) (UPS, NL / DP Or Not DP, NL)
Betercore - 7" EP (split with My Own Lies, GER) (Peculio, BRA)
Blast-O-Matic - Take 44 CD (Severeboardgear, NL)
Blood I Bleed - 7" EP (split with Krush) (Fast And Furious, NL)
Fart Farmers - Aren't We All MCD (NL)

Fleas And Lice - Early Years CD (Rodent Popsicle, USA)
Fleas And Lice - Prepare For Armageddon LP/CD (Rodent Popsicle, USA / Skuld Releases, GER)
Fubar - Studio Sessions 2002-2004 (Terrotten, BRA)
Fubar - LP (split with Catheter, USA) (Civilization, GER)
Gewapend Beton - Nederpunk Gaat Door LP (split with Bakfietsboys) (UPS, NL / DP Or Not DP, NL)
Human Demise - Whitechapel Demise MCD (Envy Records, POR)
Intumescence - 7" EP (split with Embalming Theatre) (Murder The World, USA)

Jesus Crost - LP (Filth Ear, BEL)
Korstkjok - Hoe Schrijf Je Dat? MCD (selfrelease)
Kriegstanz - 7" EP (split with I Shot Cyrus, BRA) (UPS, NL / Peculio, BRA)
Kriegstanz - 7" EP (UPS, NL / Opiate, NL)
Krush - 7" EP (split with Blood I Bleed) (Fast And Furious, NL)
Makiladoras - 2001-2004 Discography CD (Bullwhip Records / Cactus Records, Malaysia)
Makiladoras - In Eigen Hand LP/CD (DP, NL / Tofu Guerilla, GER / Svaveldioxid, LUX / Trabuc, SPA / Squawk, FRA / Antirock, NOR /Kickrock, FRA / Canard Musique, FRA / Mala Raza, SPA / Subversive Ways, FRA / Emancypunx, POL / Too Circle, JAP / Esperanza, BRA / Opiate, NL / Contamination, GER / Loderbrock, USA)
Matka Teresa - 7" EP (split with Unholy Grave, JAP) (Bong Records, NL)
Mistake - Geld, Geweld En Oorlog LP (split with Disgusted, FRA) (Pogopunx, NL / Fight45, NL)
No Hoodlums - Tired Of What They Say LP/CD (Pogopunx, NL)
No Turning Back - Rise From The Ashes 7" EP/MCD (Reflections, NL / Not Just Words, NL / Bridge 9, USA)
Omission - Refuse, Regress CD (Reflections, NL)
Radio Bikini - 7" EP (split with Amor, BRA) (UPS, NL / Thrown Into Disorder, NL / Filth Ear, BEL / Lazy Bastards, NL)
Rabid - Last Day In The Sun CD (Bad Adrenaline Records, NL)
Razorblade - Trots & Vrij MCD (Rebellion, NL)
Restless Youth - State Of Confusion MCD (Complete Control, BEL / Dead & Gone, UK)
SAF - Dead Area Paranoia LP (UPS, NL / Fast And Furious, NL)
Stab Back - Breaking Out MCD (Shield Recordings, NL)
State Of Mind - State Of Mind 7" EP/MCD (Bust!, NL)

Strike First - Requiem For The Aftermath CD (Crucial Response, GER)
The Last Mile - Plastic Illusions LP (213, FRA / Bedbeforebreakfast, DEN / Behind The Scenes, GER / Chrustiaan, GER / Endless Sickness, GER / End Of Silence, GER / De Graanrepubliek, NL / Narshaarda, GER / Tofu Guerilla, GER /Wot Nxt, NL)
Seein'Red - We Need To Do More Than Music LP (Ebullition, USA)
Shikari - 9" (split with Louise Cyphre, GER) (Level Plane, USA / Crucificados, GER)
The Shining - The Shining 7" EP (UPS, NL / Pick Up Records, NL)
Vitamin X - Bad Trip LP/CD (Havoc, USA)
Vitamin X - Rip It Out 7" EP (Havoc, USA)
Vitamin X - Pissed Off The Collection CD (Cactus, MAL)
Vopos - The Price Of Being Young CD (Berlin Wall Prod, NL)
Zmiv - Zmiv 79-84 LP (Noise And Distortion, BEL)
V/A - Oost Punk CD (Kill Art Rock, NL)

Abuse Records from Belgium has put out the 3 classic Holland Hardcore Tapes which were released back in the 80's with tons of great bands. This has become a 3x 2LP sets. Unfortunately the booklets are missing which makes this pretty much forgettable... Also after the release, there were serious copyright issues with PANDEMONIUM and INDIREKT (through Grand Theft Audio) who were strongly against this release.

Master Of Chaos, Dejan of the Villa Friekens studio, has organized together with Richard UPS and Dennis Radio Bikini a BGK tribute. A shitload of bands recorded a BGK song in his studio, and the final release should be out soon. The tracklist will be:
Side A:
01. Radio Bikini - Pray For Peace
02. Gewapend Beton - Pencil Pusher
03. Kut87 - White Male Dumbinance
04. Rupsband - Isolatiefolter
05. Blood I Bleed - Institutional Mentality
06. The Shining - Buy Or Die
07. Scatlover - Pill-Party

Side B:
08. Krush - Video Voodoo
09. Milkman - Action Man
10. Evil Breath - Freeze Me
11. Malo Sutra - Holiday In Lebanon
12. TBC - Kids For Cash
13. Schlumpers - Membership
14. Jobcrusher - Regering
15. The Shining ft. Rups - Arm's Race

By the way, Dejan is also involved with a forum heavily based on ex-Yugo punk/hardcore/grind.... check it out at



Kidd Blunt GOODBYE 2005, HELLO 2006
So 2005 starts pretty hectic with PCP stopping on 6th January. After 8 years and 120 concerts it was time to move on. We finished with a great and adventureous "Bloody Winter" December Eurotour with CRUDE from Japan. Then, there is alot of turmoil on the cavy front. Kieran died, we discover the fatal satin sickness (Osteodystrophy) with Pollux and got 4 new ones from the shelter. Also January sets the tone for Makiladoras as the definite "replacementband", since we did more than 10 replacement gigs in 2005. 19th January Mark decides to quit with Shikari. We are just working with a new bassplayer but replacing 2 original members is too much so we'll do an unforgettable final concert in our hometown on 7th May, with our good friends of SEEIN'RED and THE NOW-DENIAL. 
highlights include seeing TOXOCARA and CURSED (from Canada) for the first time live.
starts off with playing a benefit festival for an antifascist organisation but because of pressure on the city council from "the other side", the organization decides to change it into a "normal" music festival. However, all money goes to the antifascists anyway. MAKILADORAS does a very memorable French/Spanish tour, playing on a boat in Paris; our van breaking down in Saint-Etienne but fixed early in the morning by a very considerate roadservice employee during heavy & chaotic traffic; discovering and taking the best possible shower in Euskadi resulting in the def new number 1; playing one of our best shows in Nantes and playing one of the worst in Lille the day after...
is pretty much forgettable.
is unforgettable mainly because of the final SHIKARI show. During a small tour with BLOOD BASTARD at the end of the month, our van breaks down in France and we have to cancel the last show in Luxembourg and improvise hard to get home. During this same tour, I see drummer Rogier/KRIEGSTANZ breaking 2 (borrowed) pedal baseplates within 10 minutes. Local TV broadcast a retrospective on the eviction of the (in)famous WNC squat exactly 15 years ago. Time flies. Also one of my favorite cavies suddenly dies. It's over within 12 hours. Definitely an extremely moving month!
In June we play TRASHFEST 9 and this is also the day where Yoni from Israel helps Rick out with certain cleaning activities. I see drummer Antonio Sanchez in action with PMG in a sold out Vredenburg in Utrecht. In one song he is playing guitar and drums simultaneously. Although this was meant to be a joke, it works nevertheless and is most impressive. This is one of those drummers that can smoothly play four different rhythms with each limb at the same time... We sell the Cavia Express II van coz obviously it causes too many problems.
Cavia Express III R.I.P.In July we get Cavia Express III, a pink VW LT35 Tdi. After some work, it is made perfect for touring. So happy!
In August we agree to replace SELFISH on a North European tour with ARMAGEDOM from Brasil in September/October. Busy preparing the GGI Groningen Festival. The 27th has the first gig, a festival with 8 bands, in a big new squat in the city-centre called the Bar-A-Kade. This is sort of a try-out to see if the cops don't hassle and if it will be possible to do more shows in the future. Hundreds show up, with no problems and a future gig planned.
has the 3-day GGI Festival and is a great succes. KIDD BLUNT is one of the best shows I see this year. Unfortunately I get ill on the saturday, right after the last band RUNNING RIOT. Stayed in bed for 3 full days and have to go ill on tour with ARMAGEDOM. After 6 days in the tour I feel well again.... Finland was very healing. Metalpunk heaven! We have a great time with the Brasilskis and their concert in Groningen iss exceptional with the crowd going nuts.
is the month where we cheat death once again. On our way to a gig in Amsterdam, we get seriously hit by a car that ignores a red trafficlight. We are lucky coz she hit our front. She is luckier coz she has 3 airbags... After medical research (one broken finger), police questioning (she declares having a blackout), paperwork (insurance...), and fixing the towing away of our wreck, we decide we still have time to do Amsterdam. We organize a car, some pieces of backline and head for the show which was worth all the extra work. Anyway, our new Cavia Express III van is total loss, and we have to wait a long time before we will know how much the insurance will pay us. Later this month we borrow a company car and drive to Lodenice in Czech Republic to collect the new Makiladoras 12" from the GZ Media pressing plant. That fabric is enormous with several buildings and parkings. Looks more like a small city. We are hearty welcomed by our contact, and it's just too bad we don't have the time to make a tour around the place. All 2050 copies just fit in the car, shouldn't be one copy more though... On our way back, we punkpost for 3 labels. That trip saves us around 500 euros postage!
Arma-Maki at the KopiNovember: on the 15th a Duch activist is assassinated in Nijmegen. The following piece I took from SMASHED IMAGES zine: It was tuesday evening, around nine, when Louis Seveke walked home after a meeting in a squat in Nijmegen, Holland. He would never reach his home, because on the corner of 2 streets, a man walked up to him and shot him twice, he died there where he fell to the ground. "Louis came to Nijmegen as a student. In the mid 80's he became active in the squatting movement and developed as activist. From the 90's he concentrated mainly on juridical support for activists. For them Louis turned in complaints and did legal procedures. He also helped activists to for example get a look at their Secret Service (dutch: AIVD)-reports. Besides this he researched and wrote about the investigation methods of the AIVD. Louis had an active role in the legalisation of the squat: "de Grote Broek" ("the Big Pants"). The last few years he was helping youngsters, homeless and activists who had a complaint about the way they were treated by police." friends and family of Louis Seveke. The family and friends of Louis wish not to speculate about from what side this awefull deed came. I agree and I think there's no use to it and it will not bring him back. We'll see what the police, who put 25 people on this, will have to say about this. If you speak dutch and like to read more about this case click here. November also has some crazy gigs. The 25th we borrow a huge campercar, a 25 year old Mercedes van, from a friend to drive to a bunch of gigs in Germany. We leave from Groningen with sunglasses on, we enter Germany in an heavy snowstorm. The scenes are surreal: cars and trucks sliding and stranding on roadsides; accidents and flashinglights everywhere while it is often impossible to see anything because of the snow and heavy winds; driving around 30 km/h on the German autobahn because the road is an ice-rink.... Needless to say we arrive late at the venue in Oberhausen. One Dutch band that is supposed to play, cancel because they're stuck in traffic for hours and are not able to make it. Everybody's glad we arrive with a full backline so we set up the stuff so the concert can start. In the meantime we get a call from an organizer from a gig the same night 20 km from Oberhausen. They ask if we want to play because the supposed bands canceled. Both bands are from Holland as well...and one of them, THE SHINING from Amsterdam, are stuck in traffic already for hours. So we play Oberhausen, finish around 23.00, put the backline in the van and drive with 30 km/h straight to the next gig. We arrive safely, set up the stuff and play a great gig for an enthusiast crowd. At around 2 am, THE SHINING arrives and play a raging set! They did almost 12 You GOTTA love FINLAND!hours to get here.... We're glad we did not take that same road. Also this month we get money from the insurance, and it's more than we hoped for so a new van is bought. Meet Cavia Express IV, another pink VW LT 35 TDI!!
In December I have fixed 3 dates for SIN DIOS from Madrid for 2-4th december. We are supposed to drive them but we can get the new van not until the 2nd of december... so eventually Wilco/DP (Or Not DP) helps us out and drives them. We get our new van on the 2nd, take some backline, drive to Amsterdam to meet at OCCII and enjoy a very pleasant evening. We stay in Utrecht for the nite and travel with Wilco's van to TRASHFEST 9 in Hoogeveen. When the next day we return to Utrecht, his van breaks down.... Fortunately our van is parked very near, so we manage to fix everything in time for the last concert. SIN DIOS plays a marvellous concert in ACU. We film all 3 gigs with 2 cameras for the DVD and we need extensive footage of some particular members and a complete soundcheck (ACU), which is a bit awkward to film. Also it's fun to introduce Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet to our spanish comrades. Unfortunately we see plenty of Piet but no Sinterklaas....

Toxocara - Imminent Repulsion
Practically know them from the beginning coz they practise next to us. I was already impressed by their rehearsals but this is truly raging stuff. Everything is right here. Normally deathmetal quickly bores me but these melodies stick to the head, there’s a lot of variation and tempochanges, and ofcourse the recordingquality is excellent.
Hard to beat and def my favorite band from Groningen or Holland for that matter!

Bolt Thrower - Attak, Enschede 04.01.06Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal
I already loved Honour Valor Pride but this one is even better. They have their old singer back and it’s a definite improvement, sounding even lower as before. Although the songs have a more meanstream feel, they all are catchy as f**k.
Their show in the Vera club in January 2006 is def in the next BEST CONCERT list.

Selfish - Cause Pain

Ever since they started playing this DEATHSIDE style hardcore in 1996, they’re one of my favorite hardcorepunkbands. Through the years they developed their own style. The split 7” with LIBERATE and the Joy Of The Industrial Society 7” were good solid records and stand out from the rest in that period, but the best songs are on the Japan Tour 7” (also can be found on the Cry For Love Cry For Death CD). Then came the Burning Sensation LP/CD and that was a complete miss. Although recorded at the famous Our House studio,
plus mixed and mastered in Japan, this is awfully recorded/produced destroying nearly every song. Fortunately the Cause Pain makes up for it. Also the series of pictures in the booklet are hilarious. My only complaint is it’s too short. If you’re unfamiliar with SELFISH, then this is the probably the best introduction.

Kidd Blunt @ Vera Club, Groningen NL 16.09.05
Definite number one. You’ll get the chance to see them in june at Trashfest 11. Also more dates to follow. LP/CD out this year as well. Finally!

TOXOCARA!Forca Macabra & Armagedom @ Vastavirta, Tampere FIN 23.09.05
Finland. Home of metalpunk. Patches with SLAYER and CRASS on one jacket is rather rule than exception. I love Finland. Concerts are always thrilling. This one was outstanding. FORCA MACABRA plays perfect thrashmetal with brilliant guitarwanking and an hilarious DEEP PURPLE openingsong. ARMAGEDOM’s deathcore is very popular in Finland. Actually since the early 80’s there is a bond between Finland and Brasil. I already experienced this during the OLHO SECO and EXECRADORES tours and there is somekind of mutual punk understanding. Hard to explain… So everybody’s going crazy during ARMAGEDOM and the band goes crazy as well. Without doubt their best gig of the tour.

The Now Denial
@ AJZ, Bielefeld GER 01.10.05
They keep impressing me. The sound was massive, the crowd going for it and the band just gave it full power.
This is soooo good!!

Gewapend Beton
@ Trashfest 10, Hoogeveen NL 03.12.05
Developed into a very catchy hardcorepunkband with clear present 80’s UK punk influence
mixed with metalriffs. The guitarwanking on some of these newer songs are simply superb!!

Gascoigne @ ACU, Utrecht
NL 04.12.05
Already played with them a couple times but now heard them with really good sound and they played as tight as possible. One of the best current Dutch
Sin Dios wondering where the hell they are.....HOLLANDSCHEVELD!!punkbands!

La Fraction @ De Raad, Alkmaar NL 30.06.05
Soo basic but soo good. Everything works in this band and their cover of Up The Punks from FLEAS AND LICE is hilariously good.

Toxocara @ Platformtheater, Groningen NL 11.02.05
They completely live up to the expectations. Totally.

@ 013, Tilburg NL 26.02.05
Cruel loud sound. Long set. I think they played both albums. This was very memorable. Too bad we couldn’t play with them.

Sin Dios @ ACU, Utrecht NL 04.12.05
They play pretty bad in Amsterdam, and even worse in Hoogeveen but this one is just amazing. The sound is great, the execution precise and the response perfect. One to remember!

Zweetkutten – 24.12.05 @ Parkhof, Alkmaar
It was funny. I was chatting in the kitchen, when someone from the organization came up to us to ask if we carried any drumsticks for the drummer for the ZWEETKUTTEN. They were already on stage waiting. Fuckin’A!
So after they found him some sticks, I hurried inside into the crowded pit to check em out and ran into Sjakie/MINDFOK, and ex-occupant of this place and he shouted the immortal words: THIS MUST BE THE MUSICAL LOW-POINT FOR PARKHOF! How true th
is turned out to be. But everybody loved them anyway! Hahahaha!

Zmiv - 24.12.05 @ Parkhof, Alkmaar
Read the REUNION BANDS section for more commentary.  

Aknowledge – 30.03.05 @ Le Local Du Clav, Bordeaux FRA
You know those bands that act like professionals
? Taking ages to soundcheck and want everything perfect before they go onstage? And when they finally start playing, it turns out they’re amateurs after all because they’re sloppy as hell or haven’t practised too well… Well, here’s another example of such a band. So tiring and rather embarrassing…

Shock Troop - 28.05.05 @ KTS, Freiburg GER
Probably took the name from that ACID LP from Japan. Took the music from bands such as DEATHSIDE and BASTARD from Japan. Took the image and gestures from bands such as GISM and STALIN from Japan. Meet a Japanese clone from Austria. The music was well executed but the melodies just did not have it (simular to BURIAL; missing the catchyness from most of their examples). The posing was too awful to watch. The singer with leather gloves swinging the microphonestand into the audience, trying to and succesfully hit people in the head. I think I prefer a reunionband any time over this bullcrap.

Iron Lung – 15.07.05 @ Simplon, Groningen
In my last newsletter I warned (myself) for this new trend of bands with only 1 bassplayer and 1 drummer. Well, now we have a “band” with 1 guitarplayer and 1 drummer. What’s new? Don’t get me wrong, this were good musicians but after 2 songs you’d long for a drink and you’d miss nothing if you get back after 30 minutes coz this is boring
as fuck. Nothing sticks, totally empty, worthless noise. Try to find a decent bassplayer and start a real band.

Lifeinyourway  - 28.11.05 @ De Kar, Groningen
Christian metalcore with heavy emo influences and melodic vocalparts… do I need to say more?

1. Punkbands incorporating exotic instruments are fortunately dying out. Hiphop seems to be taking over this new trend. Bands with drums/bass or drums/guitar seem still too many but it is too much to keep calling it a trend. An aggravating trend is bands naming themselves after actors, celebrities or movies. Already going on for a couple years and increasingly going strong. Empty, insignificant and lame.
2. Disco and techno parties after punk-hardcore concerts. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against a nice chillparty after an adrenaline ridden hc-punk concert (although one of the reasons to become punk and play in bands back in the early 80's was to react against disco and it's odd to now see the dancefloor full of discopunx). However, lately this has developed into a doubtful trend. I often get the impression that the afterparty is more important than the concert itself. Practically right on the the last note of the final song, as if they're waiting for it, the DJ takes control and the party can begin...




Shikari, Seein’Red, The Now-Denial @ Simplon, Groningen 07.05.2005
So this is it. The 76th and final show. We are very happy we’re able to organize this thing in the Simplon venue (thanks Groverpop!) because the upstairs venue is ideal for this kind of concerts. Not too big room, no annoying P.A., small stage, always good atmosphere, seperated bar/concertroom/backstage…. And, we played our first gig in this place in december 1999 so all is just perfect. I never forget when during a POINT OF FEW/SEEIN’RED concert in Vera in june 1999, Mark and Maurice push me in a corner to force me to drum for their new projectband. After their other band OFFICE KILLER did the final gig in August 1999, things get pretty serious… When I go on a 2 month tour with OLHO SECO from Brasil, they find Bas, ex-ONE DAY CLOSER as a bassplayer and after I return in mid October we start practising on a regular base and take the name SHIKARI. Almost half of all the gigs
have been done abroad, and I just want to share some of THE BEST, THE WORST and the MEMORABLE Shikari shows with you. So here's for

27.06.01 @ Worm, Rotterdam
We packed our “Cavia Express I” van with loads of friends and everybody is set for a great day. After 20 km the van breaks down. We’re lucky to roll on to a gasstation and the ANWB roadservice guy recommends to have the van towed to a garage. Bas was already on his way to Rotterdam when we phoned him and asked if he could drive back (some 100 km) and pick us up. In the meantime we get a ride back to Groningen in the towingtruck, dump all our friends and equipment at our rehearsal and race with Bas his car to Rotterdam. We arrive around 22.00 and everybody’s still waiting for us because ORCHID was a big disappointment. Daan, who was with us on the Cavia Express I, took a train to Rotterdam with his friend Wouter (both playing now in THE ARCHITECT) and they arrive at the exact same moment.
During extreme loud techno and gabberbeats, we set up the equipment. Needless to say, our adrenaline level is set to maximum so right on the first tunes, an hellish inferno breaks loose. We threw everything out and we got 100% back from the crowd. Truly perfect interplay. When we start the song Robot Wars, 2 live robots appear from the back and start a fight. Enter scattering chaos. Everything was videotaped and put on the Dead Man MCD. Thanks again to Boris Kansloos for recording this out of that whirling and sometimes dangerous pit!

02.05.02. @ 13th Note, Glasgow UK
This one was during our tour with SEEIN’RED. All bands are fucking brilliant (SHANK, SCALPLOCK, SEEIN’RED) and it was going to be very hard to follow. Fortunately the atmosphere was perfect, the soundman wonderful (Gerard Love from TEENAGE FANCLUB!) and crowd totally going for it resulting in one of our best shows. Unfortunately that nite the side window of our van got smashed by a group of hooligans. Lucky enough some of us was sleeping in the van so the bastards ran off. It was a hell of a job to clean the shattered glass and fragments. We found a new cheapish window at a scrapyard in the area so eventually all was okidoki.

13.12.02. @ Wehrschloss, Bremen GER
Fully packed place with tons of foreigners to obviously witness CRUDE from Japan. Somehow everything went incredibly smooth. Thanks also to the organisation (CHANGE MUSIK) and people involved. Most unforgettable moment of this nite was a very emotional Otto/SELFISH introducing CRUDE live on stage: “And now the most exciting thing ever to occur in Germany since Adolf Hitler!!”.

23.10.04. @ Bar Le Duc, Groningen
Second last gig with our friends ACAO DIRETA from Brasil. These tiny, almost too small places work the best for us. Unfortunately the vocals were way to
o soft so it was more like an instrumental set, but the crowd went nuts anyway.

07.05.05. @ Simplon, Groningen
The best final gig we could
ever wish for.

10.02.01. @ Het Podium, Hoogeveen
Our tenth gig was on TRASHFEST 1 with tons of Duch bands. Tons of
much better bands. We played at the end of the long day after a raging INSULT set. It just did not work.

20.05.01. @ Plankier, Leeuwarden
Shikari - Papirna Squat, PragueThe worst of them all. Everything that can go wrong, went wrong. After one song the guitar was out of tune and there was probs with the drumkit. After 2 songs the guitar broke and we all had problems. Most songs got fucked up and I believe we only played 6 songs. The TWARRES members thought we were very loud. I
think worse than this is hard to accomplish. Everything was audiotaped and put online by the bar where we played. Definitely not approved by us, but then again I am glad it was not videotaped.

22.09.01. @ Papirna, Prague CZE
We’re doing some dates with ACAO DIRETA in Eastern Europe. I’m with AD in the Cavia Express I, the rest of SHIKARI is travelling by car. Near the squat they get stopped by the cops and forced to pay a fine. The price seems to be negotiable. After paying, the money disappears in the backpocket of the pig. This show was originally organised in the 007 Club but had to be moved at the last minute to the Papirna squat because 007 had a fire and was not ready for shows yet. Consequence is not many people show up (very bitter for AD coz they payed big cash for VISAS for this one and only Czech gig), and the sound is so fucked that we get totally confused while playing. Also the police shows up a couple times with some angry looking dogs. This squat is situated in the basement and backyard of a flat so neightbours always turn up and pass the squatted area to get to their apartment. While the rest of SHIKARI decide to drive back home, we hang out the entire night with Jocke/WOLFPACK and his friend. Nice finish nevertheless.

Tim K en Lut, die-hard fans from day 123.11.03. @ Platformtheater, Groningen
Very simular to that Hoogeveen gig mentioned above. Absolutely nothing worked.

28.04.04. @ Schlachthof, Bremen GER
I was ill. Heavy flu with upcoming sinus infections. But I started to feel a bit better and since Bremen is always a pleasure to play I thought
: what the fuck, let’s do it. During soundcheck I suffered a relapse. This was going to be hard. When we start the first song, I suffer hellish feverattacks. My head is pounding, my bones are stinging, and the food wants to find a way out. I managed to finish 6 songs. Total frustration because musically it wasn’t that bad and the rest plays pretty well. I went straight to bed and had to be driven home by one of our roadies (thanks Tim!). I had to stay in bed for the next 2 weeks. The only good thing about this one-time experience is that I learned my lesson well and never ever do concerts again when I’m feeling this sick.


19.10.00. @ Grand Theatre, GroningenThe Finale
Basically most of the gigs we played in our hometown have been extremely crazy and chaotic. Some of these stand out because of the circumstances. This one was on a birthday party and had a very mixed line-up. Grand Theatre is a cultural place and the music hall is huge. I mean fucking huge. Stage is 2 metres high, very professional and heavy PA, the roof is so high you cannot even see it… So we decide to fuck shit up and play in front of the stage without PA. We do this often. Put the equipment on the edge of the stage and play in front of it to create some extra ambiance and break down that annoying border between band-audience. Anyway, we entangle in an heated debate with the soundpeople, coz obviously they feel passed over. We play for a mixed crowd and shock some. G
ot some great reactions afterwards and leave with a nice satisfied feeling.

21.02.01. @ Vera, Groningen
We are the band that plays the very last show of AT THE DRIVE IN in a sold out Vera Club. This was a big circus. Professional photographers, reporters, camera/television/radio teams everywhere. VPRO television was doing a documentary on the band and following them on all of their Dutch dates. We notice
d that the band was not really cooperative and this created a rather tense atmosphere within that VPRO crew. We made a special and rather noisy setlist to fuck with the crowd. Adrenaline was swirling once getting on stage and I loved the fact that a large part of the crowd that was there for some serious melodies, could in no way escape us because the place was packed. Forced to fucking endure some true agony. When we finished, we see that VPRO team desperately seeking contact and trying to get to the band. They’re getting terribly annoying, and needless to say they run into closed doors. AT THE DRIVE IN plays pretty bad and due to frustration, their guitarist smashes his guitar into the backwall. They leave the stage ranting and cursing and quickly disappear in the backstage, literally slamming the door shut in the media’s face! They instantly canceled the rest of the tour and flew back home the next day, to split up… So, once in a while we still get requests or phonecalls from reporters and journalists to talk about the final hours of AT THE DRIVE IN coz we were the only ones there with them on,- and offstage. HAHAHAHA!

The chemical confetti gig...11.01.02. @ De Troubadour, Groningen
This was a show on the prestigious EUROSONIC festival. Basically a commercial showcase for ambitious bands. The festival is swarming with A&R managers and business people. Not really something for us but since it was for a different audience, we thought to just
fucking do it. It can be quite refreshing not to play for the same faces over and over again. This was in a big bar with a cool small stage. We played with all kinds of bands, from alternative and hiphop to accoustic. The reactions afterwards were worth it. Best one was a guy that came up to us and told he didn’t know this kind of music even existed and he was most impressed blablabla.

02.04.02. @ Red House, Manchester UK
Memorable because early in the set Maurice was having major problems with his guitar and getting so angry, he smashed it right into his amp. Amp is alright and that hole is still there!

27.06.02. @ Vera Kelderbar, Groningen
I count for the first song and on the very first note people start going spastic and begin throwing and spraying this chemical confetti from a can. Unfortunately I have my mouth open on that same first note, and Jos/SEEIN’RED sprays it straight into my throat. I don’t stop and swallow. I can assure it’s the most disgusting thing I ever swallowed. Even thinking about it still makes me retch. The stuff is so thick, I hardly get it down. The entire set I feel it in my gullet coming up and wanting to go down. I did not examine my shit the days after but I’m sure it must have been very colorful. Quite memorable indeed…

31.01.03. @ Asbestbar, Groningen
Chaos Groningen Style. The crowd spent liters of beer…spraying on us. During the set I see my guys getting beerbottles emptied in their trousers and clothes. My drumkit and cymbals need to be dried afterwards. This was good filthy
wet fun.

Celebrating our breakdown with Seein'Red on that gasstation near London. Honourable mention is the gig that was supposed to be in London on 05th may 2002 (my birthday) but we did not make it because our van broke down. Spent the night and following day on a parkinglot in the middle of nowhere. Insurance covered all and we flew back home (my first ever flight). 

So far for some retrospective. Back to that 7th may 2005: we arrive with the equipment around 19.00 and the other bands already arrived. It’s good to meet our friends and share these last moments with them, although everything is rather misty and unreal at the same time. The concertroom is arranged very thoughtful: the stageparts are placed in the back and sides of the room. The bands play on the ground, the crowd can choose to go onstage or to suffer the pit. After setting up the backline, we do a small soundcheck, fix the lights and get some food while Maurice and Bas do an interview for the local television. The place slowly fills up with a mixed crowd. We see lots of friends that came from everywhere and there’s ofcourse Marian from Cracow in Poland who hitchhiked for almost 3 days to get to this gig! SEEIN’RED starts off with their militant hardcore, and it’s always a pleasure to see them play. There is some moments that I get the Vera vibe when we played with AT THE DRIVE IN. I see people walking away in disgust. Not use
d to this noise. Great! I guess THE NOW-DENIAL play a much more accessible sound. But so energetic and convincing. Yes, these are first-rate to complete this nite. When it’s finally our turn, there’s some unpronounceable suspense in the air. It’s getting very packed inside and the organization already closed the doors. I don’t know how to exactly describe other than it was in the best chaos tradition. We had to stop three times because people were falling into the drumkit. There was one particulary awkward moment when this girl crashed into my drumkit and we see her throat going straight for that The Finalecymbal. Going straight for that supersharp edge in the cymbal that was grinded because of a dent… Lucky for her AND the show, I hit that cymbal at that exact same moment and gave it a swing so she crashes into the “good” side. I’m sure we’d make the headlines by having a classic case of decapitation or at least some good ole artery bleeding on our finale… Maybe some other time. To get an idea, there’s one song online (“Robot Wars”). Download at (rightclick! about 35 Mb WMV file)
in true Shikari tradition all of us got damaged one way or another. Apart from the usual bruises, Mark also got a guitar smashed into his head, and I got hit hard by a crash cymbal full under my nose. Because of high adrenaline content, we start feeling the pain the day after… Thanks for everyone who dropped in, apologies to the ones that couldn’t get in and thanks to all that made these 6 years worthwile. Peace.


DAY 1: 16.09.05 Rat Patrol, Kidd Blunt (IRE), Flyblown (UK), Moutpiece (IRE) – Vera, Groningen
We did so much effort to try to get a band from Glasgow playing but without any success. Next  we did so much effort to try to get a band from Scotland playing but also without any success. They either canceled, were already on tour or just couldn’t make it because of work or another gig at the same nite. Very very frustrating because this is called the Groningen Glasgow Ireland festival after all… We even considered asking some bagpipe players, just for the sake of it. Desperate or what?
The place fills up alright. We see A LOT of Irish punx and most locals are around. RAT PATROL opens the fest and still proves to be a tight hardcoreband even though they play only like a couple times a year. I already knew KIDD BLUNT from their demo and this is definitely the best band I discovered since ages. Too bad these recordings have not been released yet. This appears to be the last gig for their bassplayer, and I’m impressed again. They even exceed my expectations with their brilliant mix of emotionally driven hardcore (FUEL comes to mind), catchy lalalacore and THIN LIZZY twin-guitars. Damn! FLYBLOWN are over-the-top disnoise and very very loud. MOUTPIECE is the perfect finisher with their great punkrock’n’roll. The crowd loves it and we all drink the nite away!

DAY 2: 17.09.05 Gate Crashers, Fleas And Lice, Freebooters (IRE), Running Riot (IRE), Instinct Of Survival (GER) – Opdrift, Groningen & Mindfok, Flyblown (UK) – Bar-A-Kade, Groningen
Today starts early coz we couldn’t get the venue the entire day because of the SALMONELLA bio-restaurant that is here every week. So when they start their thing, we move the fest temporary to another squat nearby. In the afternoon THE GATE CRASHERS start with their infectious hardcore sometimes reminding of RAT PATROL. They’re already around for some time so I guess it’s time for them to release something. Place is getting real busy now and FREEBOOTERS get the crowd smiling and moving. Oi! Too bad we have to move to the other location coz it would have been perfect to continue here. Anyway, the new Bar-A-Kade concertroom is great and MINDFOK starts around 19.00 If you think they were loud, there’s FLYBLOWN again. Total earsplitting disdeafness. Around 20.30 we move to the other venue again. Our Hamburg friends of INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL warms up the crowd with their raging crustcore. DEEP FRIED MARS BARS or better known as FLEAS AND LICE play full speed with unplugged guestmusicians. It seems they have this 3rd airguitarplayer with guitar joining them on all GGI dates. At least he was also showing off during that pre-GGI gig in 2004 in London. Also a trumpeteer joins in occasionally. Very curious… RUNNING RIOT make a party and rock the night away. Straight after the last note, I suffer a feverattack (Shikari at Bremen vibe) and decide it’s time to get to bed as soon as possible. I miss the 3rd day with the football tournament and invasion of the Irish pub. Oh well, I’m looking forward to G.G.I. 2006!

24.01.06 @ L’Auberge De L’Ecluse, Vitry-Sur-Seine

(+ Agonie + Decombres + Jolec6 + Altercado)

We wake up at 7.30 and prepare for the trip to Paris. After the usual traffic jams around Paris, we finally arrive around 19.30. It’s a new squat just outside Paris city and looks real nice. Everybody tell me it smells terribly because there’s living more dogs (36+) than people in there, but last nite I got a severe cold and my nose is completely blocked. Good for me. The concertroom in the basement is perfect. Within minutes we got our van unloaded because there’s plenty of help from everyone. The first band JOLEC6 starts around 22.00 and is over-the-top crazy spaztic punk with djembes like only the french can do. Pretty well played but way too long (over an hour). AGONIE is standard sloppy crust with female vocals. DECOMBRES is wellplayed crust with organizer Yann on vocals. MAKILADORAS play sloppy metalpunk this nite. The stage has this strip of wood through the middle resulting in a floating bassdrumpedal which makes it impossible to play superfast double notes, so we skip most of the new songs. Also we suffer some guitar amp probs again. Not the best of gigs… ALTERCADO from Chili plays a mix between hardcorepunk and screamo. Pretty intense and the crowd loves it.

26.01.06 @ Le Barbar De La Mer, Nantes
Yesterday we had an off day and drive to Vallet to meet up with Oscar, the organizer for the Friday show. Together with Psycho the ferret, he rents a room in a nice farm in the middle of nowhere. Since it’s getting very cold outside and I start to feel rather sick, we decide to also crash inside
instead of sleeping in our cold but noiseless van. Today we do some sightseeing and visit Hardcore Ink Studio, the local tattooshop (annex punk hangout) where Michel will get one tomorrow morning. The Barbar de la Mer is a nice small pub with a stage in the back. Perfect! We meet up with a lot of friends and the gig makes everybody very happy. We do some longer breaks in between songs to give me some slack and recovery time. It’s amazing to see how hospitable and helpful people are here. Actually, this strikes us in most places in France. After the gig we get invited by the barowner to drink for free. I guess it was a very profitable night. Even though I feel miserable, the afterparty at Oscar’s place is succesful and I soften my pain with some delicious pear liqueur.

27.01.06 @ Le Subway, Vallet
(+ Michel Platinium + Primal Van Kirk + 1)

Michel goes to get a tatt
oo at 10.00. We sleep until 13.30 and visit Michel at 14.30 where he is suffering in da chair. The result looks marvellous though. In the meantime we go to a pharmacy to get medicine for me coz I’m killed by coughing fits. After a lot of puzzling with the backlines in the small bar, MICHEL PLATINIUM finally take off. We played with them on their first gig in this same bar last year and this is their 10th gig. Definitely progressed a lot and good fun to watch! Second band was not on the list, and is more in the ISIS/NEUROSIS department but very monotonous and dragging with slow simple 2-3 chord songs. PRIMAL VAN KIRK is catchy NYHC. I have a hard time playing, not being able to breathe properly, with serious coughing attacks during playing, even some vomiting so we have to cut our set short. It’s a miracle I make it to the end. And again an invitation from the barowner plus afterparty at Oscar’s place. No sleep til sunday.

28.01.06 @ Le Grand Moulin, Bourg Des Comptes
(+ 5 bands)
When it gets light
, we see snow. Fucking lots of it. There hasn’t been snow in this region for 6 years. When we leave the village, we cannot take the hilly roads coz everything is iced. It takes ages to get out of here. The highway is as bad. It’s one big ice rink. And the worst of all, everybody is driving as if nothing happened. We drive 30-40 km/h while the rest is going crazy on high speeds. When we get passed by a truck going 80-100 km/h, we get into its slipstream and slip off the road into a ditch. We wait 90 minutes for police and the towing truck. But it is so icy, that the truck is sliding off the road. They tell us they can’t help us as soon as the ice has disappeared… We get dropped at the nearest gasstation by the cops and start to improvise. Some people from Le Grand Moulin are coming to get us so we can still maybe do the concert. It took them around 4 hours to drive 80 km. We get our sleepinggear and some parts of our equipment and arrive around 2.00 at the concertplace. Without snowchains we would not have made it. A lot of people did not make it to the place (which is in a very small village 10 km outside of Rennes) but there’s still like 40 present and bands are already playing. We eat some warm food and start the gig at around 3.30. The hall is quite cold, but good for me because this is definitely the best gig I play out of those 4. We suffer some tech probs again and I get into spasms of laughter when I see Rick's faces and hear his bass-sound (which was coming out of the vocalamp). We amazingly managed to borrow a car from the Paris crew, and right after the AGONIE set at 5.30 we return to Nantes to try again to get our car out of the ditch. Later in the morning we see the sun shining and the ice melting! At 11.30 a towing truck finally get our van out and we’re very happy with only 2 dents and no further damage at all. When we return to Le Grand Moulin, we see how beautiful this place is. A watermill in the middle of the Britanny fields. Too bad we need to go and leave at 17.00, to arrive back in Groningen at 5.00     What a week…

19.07.1967 – 12.12.2005

Bomber R.I.P.I first met Bomber on 10.06.1988. My friend Ton fixed the Dutch dates for R.K.L. from the States and we were going to catch up with them at their very first European gig in the Van Hall venue in Amsterdam. I totally worship their 1987 Rock’n’Roll Nightmare LP which is a perfect blend of US hardcore and thrashmetal so I was very much looking forward to this. The place was packed and the opening bands NO ALLEGIANCE and JINGO DE LUNCH were good. During the opening minutes of R.K.L., I never forget the moment their bassplayer (Joe) appears on stage. Small 17 year old guy hidden in a large grey hooded sweatshirt swinging his fretless bass all over the place and not missing any note. The crowd went nuts. Next day they play Groningen and we all have a field day. The afterparty in the WNC squat is legendary and here I learn their favorite drinkinggame called “Quarters”. Damn, did we get wasted. When we drove to the sleepingplace, we thought to be smart and take a short cut. When we had to go through a bicycle tunnel, we got stuck in it… Had to let out air from the tires to push the van out of it. Most memorable, especially for Chris the guitarplayer who was lying in the loft which more or less came down… Bomber inspired me endlessly with his supreme drumming skills. Some of the stuff he did was just unreal, especially his bassdrumming sounded like he doubled. Also very influential were his fills and his ride patterns to emphasize melodies.
So in the first week of july I joined my first band as a drummer and one week later on 15.07.1988 was R.K.L.’s last gig of the tour together with NO PIGS and WARDANCE (ex-ENGLISH DOGS). When they returned for their 2nd Eurotour in May 1989, we managed to come along in their van for their Dutch gigs. Since I was heavily interested in his drumming, Bomber showed some tricks and how to approach playing in general. Very instructive and inspiring.
So, 17 years later I see that
he died quite unexpected. Even though I did not know him well, it still came as a shock. He has always been a big inspiration and ultimately made me start drumming. I’ll never forget. May you rest in piece my friend.


(NOTE: only north and mid-east Holland!)

Simplon, Groningen
02.03.06. CSI, The Niggers, Soulshakers

Vera, Groningen
10.03.06. Massive Assault, Winter Of Sin, Mygirlfriendisaweapon

ORKZ, Groningen

22.04.06. Mindfok, Vopos

De Silo, Groningen
18.03.06. UNITED FESTIVAL with The Last Mile and many more (all genres)

Het Podium, Hoogeveen

11.02.06. Flesh Made Sin, Excavator, The 8th Sin, Monastery
24.02.06. Dismember (SWE), The Architect, Requiem (GER), Debauchery, Infernal Poetry
03.03.06. Antillectual, Straight A's, My Sister Harold, Smash The Statues
12.03.06. The 8th Sin, Insatiable, Cerebral Tumor, Excavator
16.03.06. I Farm, Propagator, Jugend Von Heute
25.03.06. Asschapel (USA), Submerge (FRA). The Last Mile
14.04.06. Embodiment, Portall, Next Way Dimension
15.04.06. Liar (BEL), Arkangel (BEL), Strike First, Rise & Fall, Nothing Done, Omission, Icepick
16.04.06. Angel Crew, Justice (BEL), Restless Youth, Malkovich, Slumlords (USA), The Set Up (BEL)
30.04.06. The Spirit That Guides Us, The Girls, Pentasyllabic, Drachel.... more
19.05.06. Annihilation Time (USA), Civil Terror, Gascoigne
02.06.06. Putrefied, Grindminded, Prostitute Disfigurement
23.06.06. TRASHFEST 11: Racebannon (USA), Battleship (USA), Pisschrist (AUS) + more
24.06.06. TRASHFEST 11: Kidd Blunt (IRE), Nightmare (JAP), Skitkids (SWE), Bones Brigade (USA) + more
25.06.06. TRASHFEST 11: Clorox Girls (USA) + more

Innocent, Hengelo
05.05.06. Shattered Realm, Enemy Ground, 50 Caliber, Samaritan
31.03.06. CDC, IBWT, King Of Clubz, Whatever It Takes, Nasty (GER), 100 Demons, Cast Aside
02.04.06. Merauder, Icepick, Stabback, Down My Throat (FIN), Your Misstake, Growing Cold
14.05.06. Betrayed, NTB + more
20.05.06. Since By Man, Navajo Code

Shikari finaleGGI Toilet!



Layout, Edit & Shitwork: Michael Bacteria, Feb 2006.
Pictures: all pictures by Bacteria except PCP by Bert Schelhaas, Link by Suzanne Klappe, Shikari final gig by Marteun, Shikari/Seein'Red polonaise by Theun K., Shikari downstage by ??, Shikari Papirna by Sander Monkey, Toxocara by Nera-K, ArmaMaki, SR, The Architect & Kidd Blunt by ??, GGI by Esther, GGI Toilet by Eva K, Zweetkutten by Flappy.
Contact: P.O.Box 752, 9700 AT Groningen, Netherlands.
Email: newsletter [at] bacteria [dot] nl
SoulSeek: Cavia


Wishbone Ash - Argus LP
Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal CD
Mike Oldfield - Ommadawn CD
Kidd Blunt - demo 2005
The Cure - Seventeen Seconds + Faith CD
Gewapend Beton/Bakfiets Boys - Nederpunk Gaat Door LP
Toxocara - Imminent Repulsion CD
Vinnie Moore - Meltdown + Mind's Eye CD
David Bowie - Ziggie Stardust LP
Tony Macalpine - Maximum Security LP
Zeroid - 2001/2002 CD
Camel - Stationary Traveller LP
After The Bombs 7" EP
ELO - Out Of The Blue CD
Steve Vai - Passion And Warfare CD
Sparks - Propaganda LP
Joe Satriani - Surfing With The Alien LP
Eat Static - Abduction CD
The Beat - I Just Can't Stop It LP
Excel - Refuse To Quit demo
Pat Metheny Group - We Live Here CD
Arsonal Fury - demo
Detente - demo #2

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