As you all noticed the newsletter is not coming out very frequently. I do the
necessary updates in the other sections, but it's just too much work to
maintain this thing so what I want to do is put this
out at least once a year with all possible info there is/was on Dutch diy
punk. Several other changes are in the MP3 section. Unfortunately I lost
the host, so most MP3's do not work anymore. I'm considering finding
webspace elsewhere but so far it costs too much. Until then I am forced to
limit the amount of MP3's. Since I'm not booking alot of tours anymore, I
have exchanged the TOURS section with a BANDS section. Here you will find
links to webpages of all my past and present bands plus hostbands. Also a G.G.I. section has been added.
This one is linked to the Groningen section of the fest, but you can find loads of info
here about the annual festival.
Splitups, breakups, rest in pieces, hope-there-won't-be-a-reunion
RADIO BIKINI (from Limboland)
Played their memorable final show on 10th September in Weert together with
a shitload of other bands. Instantly banned from the venue because they
whitewashed the entire place with flour. With entire I mean every cm
including the soundboards, light installation, backlines, distros, just
about everything... Drummer Dennis continues to play in SCATLOVER,
Simon and Sander started MOLOTOV. RADIOS BIKINI did a final split 7" EP with AMOR from
Amersfoort and around)
Split up right after the USA tour with SEEIN'RED. Will continue as
STAATHAAT with Ralf Opiate on vocals.
(from Hoogeveen/Groningen)
Recorded a bunch of songs but once again lost the
drummer. They gave up on finding yet another one.
(from Groningen)
Did the final gig on 7th May and released a last record, a split 9" with
LOUIS CYPHRE from Germany. A complete discography tape from Poland will be
released later this year. Singer still plays in GRINDING HALT and THE
OFFICE, and the drummer is in MAKILADORAS.

PCP (from
Ended with an European tour with CRUDE from Japan and called it quits in
January. Guitarplayer goes on in MINDFOK, drummer in MAKILADORAS.
COCKROACH (from Panningen)
Did their final gig at Trashfest 9. Released a final full length.
did a very succesful 3 week USA tour together with Star Strangled Bastards. Their label Rodent
Popsicle released the new Prepare For Armaggedon CD and the Early Years
CD. February will see some gigs with their original drummer Maynard (also
Eigen Hand concept LP
has been out since October. The CD version is done by Too Circle from
Japan. Esperanza from Brasil will release a discography CD and Bullwhip
Records/Cactus Distro from Malaysia have
released the 2001-2004 CD. Last year had tours to Spain, France, and
Skandinavia (with Armagedom from Brasil). The next year will see tours to
France (January), a 17 day tour to Poland (February/March), and definitely Japan (around September/October).
SKINT recorded 10 songs in Bunt's Studio in January and are looking for
labels to release.
have their new Plastic Illusion LP out but won't be playing too much due
to fathership of one of their members.
RAT PATROL finally did 3 gigs
in 2005. That's 2 more than the year before!
found a new singer (ex-SHAI HULUD) and recorded one song for the local Grover Pop CD. Absolute
catchy metalcore!
definitely added Oene PCP as a 3rd guitarplayer and still going strong.
LINK is the
new band of Eva/Makiladoras on bassguitar. Melodic hardcorepunk and
starting to gig around.
IRON CAGE is a pretty new band and already did a UK tour with THE LAST
MILE and recorded 10 songs in May. Have members of DANDARE, ILL11, VOICE
OF DISTRESS, LADS and THE LAST MILE. Great old school hardcore.
SELLOUTS is a new punkrock band with Sjakie of MINDFOK and ex-LADS
on drums.
NEW REALITY already exists since 2003 but just found out about them.
This is ex-TEENAGE WARNING and LEGAL AXION and they play punkrock heavily
based on early UK bands suck as Chaos UK and Sex Pistols. Just recorded
and already appeared on a bunch of compilations.
JOBCRUSHER from Zwolle
is preparing a new release.
JESUS CROST from Rotterdam have a
discography CD out and the new LP will be out soon.
from Hoogeveen reminds me abit of JOBCRUSHER. Fast and furious trashgrind
and recorded at Dirty Bird Studio.
Amsterdam/Alkmaar/Brasil/Poland toured Sweden last September and have recorded for a 10" on UPS Records.
Most promising new band.
DE WAONZIN released
a split CD with NUESTROS DERECHOS, also from Utrecht. Both play more metal
than core.
DERECHOS see above
MIHOEN! from Utrecht will release something new sooner
or later.
GEWAPEND BETON from Amsterdam are embryopunx playing great catchy
punkcore. Definitely has an 80's UK punk vibe. Brilliant stuff and live
totally convincing!! Just released a split LP with BAKFIETSBOYS. Note the
cover, an instant classic!
DESPERATE CRIES with GEWAPEND BETON members. Haven't heard or seen them
yet but should be good crusty hardcore.
Amersfoort did very succesful tours in Japan and the USA. New LP on
Ebullition just out and preparing a shitload of new split records.
recorded at Dirty Bird and released it as a new MCD on Hectic Records.
Some members play in GASCOIGNE.
PAYROLL drummer and OPERATION MARKET GARDEN singer and is doing alot of
shows. One of the best new Dutch bands!
KRUSH from
Leiden did a tour with BLOOD I BLEED last year and released a split 7"
with BLOOD I BLEED on Fast & Furious/Roadkill Records. Terrotten from
Brasil will eventually release a CD with previously released material. In
the meantime they one of the 2 singers left the band.
HYSTERIA from Amsterdam/Utrecht had some memberchanges but is still going
strong and recently playing more and more shows.
MARKLAR from Alkmaar
recorded new songs and released them as a limited demo CDR. Great uptempo
hardcore with grindparts, high vocals and goofy lyrics!
Haag/Amsterdam toured fucking Russia, and working on a new record on Dirty
from Enschede have just toured the USA with PAWNS. Catchy anarchopunk
heavily influenced by RUDIMENTARY PENI, CRASS and the likes. Recorded 11
new songs in november, which will be released on split 7" EP's with PAWNS
HBG from Alkmaar play crustcore with duo male/female vocals. I love their
homemade beerlogo!
MANMADEFILTH from Alkmaar with duo male vocals play raw metallic hardcore
with ex-members of BETERCORE and DISTROY.
GALBAK are already around since 1999 and play a mix of
anarchopunk and ska. Just recorded songs for split 7" EP's with VALS and
CORROSIVES from Hoeksewaard play tight infectious punkrock and will
release a split 7" EP with GEWAPEND BETON sooner or later. In the meantime
check out their It's A Dead End demo CD!
THE OFFICE is ex-singer of SHIKARI (and OFFICE KILLER ;-), ex-guitar
of DANDARE and drummer of SEEIN'RED joining up for an oldschool band in
the vein of THE OFFENDERS.
together with SAF and SHINING members doing 80's crossover (think ATTITUDE
ADJUSTMENT and the likes). Tape is out now and playing around alot!
bands just want an escape from the mundane lives that they bought into
when they decided 'punk's dead and I want to settle down' - they're just
nostalgia clowns"
I'm afraid there is no escape
from this. Last 5 years been a huge
trend to reform again (preferably with only one or two members from the
original line-up) and I believe about every popular and not-so-popular
band reformed or going to reform sooner than later. Let's see which Dutch
clowns did 2005:
Literally translates to sweatcunts and was a fucking brilliant hardcore
band with a totally over-the-top female singer from Alkmaar in the early 80's. They only released on the Holland Hardcore Tape #1 and did
a demotape. This 1 time reunion on the Kerstival festival in Alkmaar
on 24th December is with all original members. Real funny to watch but quite
dreadful to hear. Good they only did this once.
Old punkband from Delfzijl, in the Groningen area and released a bunch of
records in the early 80's. They started with a reunion show with all
original members in October in their hometown and seems they have been
succesful because 14th January they did another one.
One of my favorite Dutch hardcore bands from the 80's, and one of the
first bands to combine punk with metal (read: Iron Maiden riffs). Released
only one 7" EP and appeared on the Holland Hardcore Tape #1. Last
the legit discography LP was released on Noise And Distortion from Belgium
(with the help of yours truly) and they did some sort of release reunion
party at the Kerstival Festival in Alkmaar on 24th December. Zmiv had done
one official reunion show before, in Steenwijk on 25.12.88 together with
loads of old bands. This one was with a replacement drummer (also for
VOPOS), and they decided to continue. Hope they will get more practise
before the next show because this one was kind of embarrassing, them
fucking up practically every song. Pretty horrific if you know how they
were in the old days...but good fun if you don't take things too
In Hoogeveen have now an official website online. Started in 2001 and did
a total of 10 editions. Organizer Marteun is the thriving force behind
this monster and all editions were very succesful with bands from all over
the globe. Next edition will be in the last weekend of june and covering 3 days
with bands such as Bruce Banner, La Fraction, Kidd Blunt...
Groningen Glasgow Ireland Festival. 2005 had the fest in Groningen and was
a huge succes with loads of bands and parties in 3 days. Next year should
be in Glasgow.
Rockin Squat, Amsterdam - got evicted with a riot. Plenty of people
Bar-A-Kade Squat, Groningen - started doing concerts and a Thursday
Op Drift Squat, Groningen - is supposed to get evicted this year.
Bar-Le-Duc Squat, Groningen - also supposed to get evicted soon.
Inferno Euro Squat, Den Bosch - new huge place in an industrial area and
doing parties and gigs now.
All Under Age - No Jokes, No Funny Stuff CD (White Russian Records, NL)
Antillectual - Silencing Civilization CD (NL)
Badlands - Flame Still Burning CD (Rebellion, NL)
Bakfietsboys - Nederpunk Gaat Door LP (split with Gewapend Beton) (UPS, NL
/ DP Or Not DP, NL)
Betercore - 7" EP (split with My Own Lies, GER) (Peculio, BRA)
Blast-O-Matic - Take 44 CD (Severeboardgear, NL)
Blood I Bleed - 7" EP (split with Krush) (Fast
And Furious, NL)
Fart Farmers - Aren't We All MCD (NL)
Fleas And Lice - Early Years CD (Rodent Popsicle, USA)
Fleas And Lice - Prepare For Armageddon LP/CD (Rodent Popsicle, USA /
Skuld Releases, GER)
Fubar - Studio Sessions 2002-2004 (Terrotten, BRA)
Fubar - LP (split with Catheter, USA) (Civilization, GER)
Gewapend Beton - Nederpunk Gaat Door LP (split with Bakfietsboys) (UPS, NL
/ DP Or Not DP, NL)
Human Demise - Whitechapel Demise MCD (Envy
Records, POR)
Intumescence - 7" EP (split with
Embalming Theatre) (Murder The World, USA)
Jesus Crost - LP (Filth Ear, BEL)
Korstkjok - Hoe Schrijf Je Dat? MCD (selfrelease)
Kriegstanz - 7" EP (split with I Shot Cyrus,
BRA) (UPS, NL / Peculio, BRA)
Kriegstanz - 7" EP (UPS, NL / Opiate, NL)
Krush - 7" EP (split with Blood I
Bleed) (Fast And Furious, NL)
Makiladoras - 2001-2004 Discography CD (Bullwhip Records / Cactus Records,
Makiladoras - In Eigen Hand LP/CD (DP, NL / Tofu Guerilla, GER /
Svaveldioxid, LUX / Trabuc, SPA / Squawk, FRA / Antirock, NOR /Kickrock,
FRA / Canard Musique, FRA / Mala Raza, SPA / Subversive Ways, FRA /
Emancypunx, POL / Too Circle, JAP / Esperanza, BRA / Opiate, NL /
Contamination, GER / Loderbrock, USA)
Matka Teresa - 7" EP (split with Unholy Grave, JAP) (Bong Records, NL)
Mistake - Geld, Geweld En Oorlog LP (split with Disgusted, FRA) (Pogopunx,
NL / Fight45, NL)
No Hoodlums - Tired Of What They Say LP/CD (Pogopunx, NL)
No Turning Back - Rise From The Ashes 7"
EP/MCD (Reflections, NL / Not Just Words, NL / Bridge 9, USA)
Omission - Refuse, Regress CD (Reflections, NL)
Radio Bikini - 7" EP (split with Amor, BRA) (UPS, NL / Thrown Into
Disorder, NL / Filth Ear, BEL / Lazy Bastards, NL)
Rabid - Last Day In The Sun CD (Bad Adrenaline Records, NL)
Razorblade - Trots & Vrij MCD (Rebellion, NL)
Restless Youth - State Of Confusion MCD (Complete Control, BEL / Dead &
Gone, UK)
SAF - Dead Area Paranoia LP (UPS, NL / Fast And Furious, NL)
Stab Back - Breaking Out MCD (Shield
Recordings, NL)
State Of Mind - State Of Mind 7" EP/MCD (Bust!, NL)
Strike First - Requiem For The Aftermath CD (Crucial Response, GER)
The Last Mile - Plastic Illusions LP (213, FRA / Bedbeforebreakfast, DEN /
Behind The Scenes, GER / Chrustiaan, GER / Endless Sickness, GER / End Of
Silence, GER / De Graanrepubliek, NL / Narshaarda, GER / Tofu Guerilla,
GER /Wot Nxt, NL)
Seein'Red - We Need To Do More Than Music LP (Ebullition, USA)
Shikari - 9" (split with Louise Cyphre, GER) (Level Plane, USA /
Crucificados, GER)
The Shining - The Shining 7" EP (UPS, NL /
Pick Up Records, NL)
Vitamin X - Bad Trip LP/CD (Havoc, USA)
Vitamin X - Rip It Out 7" EP (Havoc, USA)
Vitamin X - Pissed Off The Collection CD (Cactus, MAL)
Vopos - The Price Of Being Young CD (Berlin Wall Prod, NL)
Zmiv - Zmiv 79-84 LP (Noise And Distortion, BEL)
V/A - Oost Punk CD (Kill Art Rock, NL)
Abuse Records from Belgium has put out the 3 classic Holland
Hardcore Tapes which were
released back in the 80's with tons of great bands. This has become a 3x
2LP sets. Unfortunately the booklets are missing which makes this pretty
much forgettable... Also after the release, there were serious copyright issues with PANDEMONIUM and
(through Grand Theft Audio) who were strongly against this release.
Master Of Chaos, Dejan of
the Villa Friekens studio, has organized together with Richard UPS and
Dennis Radio Bikini a BGK tribute. A
shitload of bands recorded a BGK song in his studio, and the final release
should be out soon. The tracklist will be:
Side A:
01. Radio Bikini - Pray For Peace
02. Gewapend Beton - Pencil Pusher
03. Kut87 - White Male Dumbinance
04. Rupsband - Isolatiefolter
05. Blood I Bleed - Institutional Mentality
06. The Shining - Buy Or Die
07. Scatlover - Pill-Party
Side B:
08. Krush - Video Voodoo
09. Milkman - Action Man
10. Evil Breath - Freeze Me
11. Malo Sutra - Holiday In Lebanon
12. TBC - Kids For Cash
13. Schlumpers - Membership
14. Jobcrusher - Regering
15. The Shining ft. Rups - Arm's Race
By the way, Dejan is also involved with a forum heavily based on ex-Yugo
punk/hardcore/grind.... check it out at